wood trim on a fireplace

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Brenda (OH)
Posts: 325
Joined: Sun Apr 01, 2007 7:57 am

Hi everyone!

the wood fire place, that probably is a factory install in my 1983 Redman new moon, has a wood platform built in front of it. I think the platform may have been added by a previous owner.

the wood is unpainted, and worries me. there is a 2X4 that comes right up to the bottom edge of the metal front of the fire place. there are vent hole in the metal front at that place.

I am planning on installing tile to the platform and the wooden rail to make it more fire resistant.

the platform is about 5 inches high, and about 4 feet by 1 1/2 wide
just wide enough that the 12 inch ceramic floor tiles won't cover all of it, and I have had to buy little tiles to put there. (I don't have a tile cutter)

my questions are:

1. will tile help improve the safety of the fireplace area?

2. should I put tile on the top edge of that 2 x 4 piece, to make it more fire resistant?

3. do I install ceramic tile near a fire place with regular grout, or is something else better?

I have never installed ceramic tile before, so I need to do this job well, I will be selling this home soon.

and maybe, is the right answer remove the box? I have already installed the new laminate floor before I started worrying about the fire resistance. the neighbors were pointing out holes in their carpet in front of their fireplace, and got me worried.

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What you have is a problem with clearance to combustibles. In a mobile home the HUD restrictions are much tuffer than for a regular home. The big problem is not that a live ember gets to the wood and causes a fire but the fact that the wood becomes heat soaked and self combusts with out a live flame starting the fire just the heat of the fireplace.

I would make sure the wood is not touching any metal of the fireplace and prefer the wood have a 3inch space from all metal (heat carrying) parts of the fireplace. You can fill in the 3 inch space with heavy gauge metal and then cement your tile to the metal.

Many times a manufacturer will build the 3 inch space right on the fireplace front so there is no possibility to place wood or combustibles in that zone. I thought I would mention that depending upon the manufacturer this air space could be a little smaller or larger depending upon how the fireplace did during a actual test by UL or CSA testing company's.

I would advise you to get the model number and name of manufacturer off the fireplace unit. Look on Google and get a phone number for the manufacturer and call them. Usually they will be glad to send you the original instructions for the fireplace you have. You can also check at that time to make sure the fireplace is listed and labeled for use in a Mobile home. This is critical because in case of a fire you want to make sure your home owners insurance will pay off. many times a insurance company looks for any reason to not pay off and having a unlisted furnace or fire place is a good excuse for them not to pay off.

My rule has always been to be safe rather than sorry when it comes to fossil fuel burning appliances.

I would like to ad that there are a few professional remodelers on this board that can give you better advice on installing tile than I ever could so I will defer those answers to them. I am sure someone will be along soon to help you with that.
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and the wisdom to know the difference.

Wow,,hvac1000,,sounds close to My reply on Her other thread,,Yours is much better composed and informative tho!

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