Giant Water Bugs

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:) Its been awhile since i've been back here but I am still having problems w/ these bugs. Yanita, you recommended using some syrup & boric acid I believe? Well I used some mixed up together & it lasts for awhile & then hardens up. I think this was the solution you spoke of. They crawl on my wife & I at night & also take showers w/ me. Our dog chases them around the house. I've gotten to a point I might as well adopt them & make them my pets unless someone can come up w/a better solution. Thanks for any help. :roll:
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Hi Homebuff,

Nope not me with that recipe, but I just did a search and found Maureen's, borax and sugar!

Sounds like if the roaches are in the shower with you and in bed with you then there is a major infestation.

I believe the time has come to hire a professional exterminator.

A colony of 30,000 roaches can live off a tiny smear of grease on your stove top for 30 days! They thrive in warm moist areas.

There are many different types of roaches, commonly called water bugs, palmetto bugs, pine beetles etc, the bottom line is they are all cockroaches and can live in a vast amount of environments...

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I second the "Call a Professional" idea.
We have Palmetto bugs in SC, but most we find are dead from lack of water, lying on they're backs with they're little tongues hanging out.

Just be thankful you don't live in the jungles where they can get as big as a wiener dog and you can shoot them with a gun.

A Professional Exterminator could also give you more ideas on how to keep then at bay, but do call one.

I hope you don't sleep with your mouth open? Yuck.
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:) Well! i appreciate ya'll ideas. my wife said they started flying when she saw them eating birdseed out of her quaker parrots cage LOL!! Sorry! Yanita but I thought it was you that gave mw that idea but it was the Borax sugar you told me to try. I'll give it a try. We can't have a exterminator come in cause of the pets & bird though. I thought of simply using a saucer of water mixed w/ the boric acid since I always see them around water sitting on counters & in the shower drinking it. Gosh! I even see some small black capsule like eggs they lay & I throw them in the toilte. Sorry I can't spell. Oh! they do bite also. :oops:
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Well I found one sure fire way to get rid of those gugs. I went to WM &got a bunch of those lg. mouse stickey traps & put them anywhere I saw the bugs hiding. The main place they like to wander is in my wifes bathroom. She puts her parrots bottom cage tray in their at night & they go right to it. I positionthe traps all around the tray. It takes alot of traps but I don't see as many now. Its just a matter of time before i'll be rid of them for good.
I am a certified ford diesel tech, "Retired Now" Ford Parts Department counter man, computer consultant, repairman & programmer

Mix equal amounts of dry plaster of paris and sugar together. Place the mixture inside of bottle caps, and then place the bottle caps inside of all of your cabinets.
Break leaves from off of a catnip herb plant. Rub the leaves between your fingers then place the leaves where ever you find cockroaches coming from. It has been found that cockroaches do not like catnip.
Place bay leaves where ever you see cockroaches coming from.

This site has some good tips to help get rid of those pesky bugs and boric acid seems to be a good choice.

How big? like this guy here?
Orangehead from South America. They don't fly, (even though they have wings) they don't climb and they don't lay eggs. live birth. I'm trying to raise these for my herps I got about 60. lol!

Water bugs (cockroaches) can be eaten ... even though it sounds gross.

Catch them live and boil until they are dead and stop moving. Then broil them at 350 degrees for 15 minutes on a cookie sheet. Put aluminum foil on the cookie sheet first.

After cooked, sprinkle them with melted butter mixed with a little brown sugar for taste. They have no taste without the sugar. They have a pleasant crunch texture when you eat them.

We used to eat them in the service. They are supposedly almost 100 percent protein.

Hope this helps.

skunkman wrote:Mix equal amounts of dry plaster of paris and sugar together. Place the mixture inside of bottle caps, and then place the bottle caps inside of all of your cabinets.
Break leaves from off of a catnip herb plant. Rub the leaves between your fingers then place the leaves where ever you find cockroaches coming from. It has been found that cockroaches do not like catnip.
Place bay leaves where ever you see cockroaches coming from.

This site has some good tips to help get rid of those pesky bugs and boric acid seems to be a good choice.
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OMG, I wouldn't eat eat it regardless of what was sprinkled on it and then one pictured I would step on!

LOL, Yanita

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Brenda (OH)
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I wonder if you look in the $$$ store if contact paper would work and be cheaper than the traps? staple the paper upside down onto a piece of cardboard, then peel off the cover sheet....? sprinkle on a tiny bit of sugar? lol

we are so lucky we mostly only get bugs inside if their is a drought...

opps, I forgot about the asian lady bugs... for some reason, not a problem this year. other years, I have vacuumed up as many at 20+ a day....


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