Att; David Leber

Share with us your alternative energy ideas and projects. Tell us about your experiments, no matter how far-fetched they may seem.

Moderators: Greg, Mark

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Manitoba Bill
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Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:46 pm
Location: Manitoba

Although my first reply to you was read all 5 subs. attempts at sending e-mail were blocked as spam from your end. I did a search for your name here but came up with nothing.

Let me know.
I'm not an Expert, just a DIY[/color]
David Of 7

I am "David of 7" here on the forum. I don't know why my email would be blocked as spam. Do you want me to try again? Suggestions?

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Manitoba Bill
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Location: Manitoba

It is my "Reply" to your e-mail that is blocked, at your end.
This is the message I get from your server.

Date: Tue, 04 Dec 2007 20:58:26 -0600
From: bill <>
To: 'David Leber' <>
Subject: RE: Solar

Your message cannot be delivered to the following recipients:

Recipient address:
Reason: Server rejected MAIL FROM address.
Diagnostic code: smtp;550 550 Dynamic/zombied/spam IPs blocked. Write
Remote system: dns; (TCP||32759||25)

My first reply did go through, did it not?

(I see your profile is private so I changed your e-mail address.)
I'm not an Expert, just a DIY[/color]
David Of 7

Yes your first reply did go through, I have no idea why it won't now. :? I looked at the blocked senders list and your not on it.

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Manitoba Bill
Posts: 133
Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:46 pm
Location: Manitoba

Something at your end "sees" my reply as spam. Tried plain text and failed.
The only way is through private e-mail on here.
I'm not an Expert, just a DIY[/color]

Hey guys just a lil FYI....
Earthlink, Hotmail, Bellsouth and a few others have been having some weird moments with their mail servers the past few days. Not sure if this is related to your issue, but it's just one of them annoying things you run in to when great minds (servers) wake up on the wrong side of the bed. LOL. I have been have some more than usual issues with my servers here at the house and in town also. Just gets annoying, too bad some people dont have better things to do other than cuz hack in and cuz havoc in other peoples lives.