Flooding Bathroom?

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Hi, over the last week our bathroom has flooded 4 times. At first we thought our 4 year old was doing it by playing in the sink, but it flooded again last night when she wasn't down there. it doesn't happen everyday, or everytime you use the sink or tub. There are no obvious signs of where its coming from as you'll go in the bathroom and everything is fine and you go back down 20 mins. later and there is a 1/2 inch of water on the floor. Does anybody have any ideas and.or suggestions about where to look or what might be causing it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Welcome to the site.

Sounds like your troubles are just beginning...

As for where the water could be coming from check the shut off valves behind the toilet, under the vanity and also check the valves for your washing machine. That is about all I can think of since you say no one has just used the sinks. Do you happen to have a dishwasher? Also check to see if the wax seal from under your toilet is leaking.

Now you also need to check for standing water in your heat/ac vents, make sure there is no water left down there. Also has any water gotten under your finished floor, full sheet vinyl, peel and stick tiles, laminate flooring????

If so I advise that you remove all finish flooring and let the subfloor dry out. If it is particle board you could be in for some damage. Plywood is more forgiving.

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We have no shutoff valves in the trailer, only one underneath the trailer, and since its still winter in Northern Michigan, there is snow piled all along the skirting and we can't get under the trailer to the valve. We don't have a dishwasher, and the hall way were the washer and dryer are is dry. It does not seem to be coming from the toilet as it looks like the water is coming from further up in the bathroom as our bathroom has a slight slope and the toliet is at the bottom of it. Our biggest question as to where its coming from is due to the fact that my 4 year old has a little plastic stool that sits in front of the sink and the sink cabinet and when it floods there is water on top of her stool, so we are thinking the sink but can't figure out where from the sink.
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Do you have an exhaust fan in your bathroom ceiling, above the area you keep finding the water?

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Nope, we don't.
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Ok...I am getting pretty baffled over this one...

How about the over head light, do you have one of those, are there any wet spots on the ceiling or the walls anywhere?

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That's one of the first places I checked. There are no wet spots on the ceiling or the walls and our lighting in the bathroom are wall sconces. I thought maybe we had a rook leak with the melting snow but there are not even dark spots that look like there might be a leak.
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OK, is the water running down one of the exterior walls? When you have discovered the water on the floor have you physically ran you hand over the walls to see if there is any wetness?

Hopefully someone else will come on and ask some more questions or think of something I haven't, sorry at this time I have no clue what is going on.

Ok. you live in Michigan which is snow covered at the moment. Have you checked your roof to make sure that there are no ice dams going on up there? I guess I would also check to see if any high snow banks that might be against the home are shoveled back as well. Maybe, don't know just guessing on this one that the snow banks could be melting but running into the exterior siding of your home...

When you discover the water has your washing machine just been in use. Unfortunately you can have water leak in one room and the damage be in another. Water takes the path of least resistance and will follow along a joist, rafter, another pipe, etc before it finally becomes visible.

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I was thinking a melting snow problem also. You will need to make sure the roof is clear and you have the snow away from the side of your home as Yanita said.
I would doubt (& hope there is no) plumbing problem since once they start leaking they usually don't stop. However, once the snow melts enough you NEED an inside shutoff valve!! Greg
"If I can't fix it, I can screw it up so bad no one else can either."

Ok, we think we discovered the problem and now we need to know how to fix it. It looks liek that when we run the washer that when it drains it is for some reason backing up into our bathroom sink and the sink is overflowing and flooding the floor. Any ideas on why and how to fix,or do we need to call a plumber?
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If the bath lav is overflowing then the drain stoppage or block is past the "Y" of the lav
The washer sends a lot of water quickly and a blockage might only show up then...so the lav works fine. First try drain cleaner (one rated for ABS or PVC) and then a snake run from the bath lav. You dont have total blockage as your lav would aso backup
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Brize, I would try a snake in the drains for the washer & bathroom. Also check the vents for blockage. Greg
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