Is there a way to send a package surface freight to Europe?

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I sent some things to a friend in Germany today. I went, as usual, to the US Post office. The clerk told me that surface mail to Europe was discontinued with the rate hike before this last one.

My only choice was air mail! (Well, there were others: Priority, Express, and Global.)

A box of 2 lbs. and 3+ ozs. was more than $18.

I checked the websites for UPS and FedEx upon arriving home and found no links to surface freight options.

Does anyone know of any carrier which sends small packages surface freight?

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Whatever the post office offers is your cheapest way to go. Keep in mind that when using UPS or FedEx, they add a big fat 'brokerage' fee that the recipient must pay. Fees of around $50 seem normal, at least for shipping merchandise. Maybe there's a brokerage fee break for shipping personal stuff, but I wouldn't bet on it. Plus the air freight is more.

When it comes to international shipping, I'm sold on the post office. I didn't realize surface mail was no longer offered to Europe, but I rarely used surface as sometimes it could take months to get there.

You can't fail if you don't try!

Mark, thanks for the post. I couldn't find anything on the web. I keep hoping something else is still out there.

I found a couple of parcel carriers to the Far East and Eastern Europe, but none to the UK or the western countries in Europe.
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