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Barb P
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How are the fur babies doing? You said in another thread they were very sick. One feels so helpless when they can't tell us what they are feeling.
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Hey Barb,

I have a pair of Javanese cats...great furkids! But they are a very sensitive breed. I have had them now for a little over 2 years.

A few weeks ago a friend gave us a new scratch pad and with it came a bag of cat nip. Well they love these pads and they love catnip.

Wednesday night late evening I dumped sopme of the nip on the floor and they had a blast for about 20 minutes. They have done this numerous times with no negative results.

During the night I heard one of them getting sick, got up and investigated. Yup, sick!. Well this lasted most of the night for both of them. They did not eat the next day, only drank a little water. Well by Firday I notice neither Larz or Suki is eating nor have they even asked for food.

I went to clean the littler box and discovered that one of them was passing blood. Then I found vomit in the hall with blood. Well no food, water, temps and passing blood for a cat can mean death in hours.

Anyways, Holiday weekend but off we got to the kitty doctor...used a scope and looked into their stomachs. Seems whatever brand of catnip that came with this scratch pad was the lowest quality grade. Very course and it made little pin pricks and stuck into the stomach linings.

A couple shots a peice, intravenouse fliuds, meds to come home with and they are doing much better this evening. (Sunday) They are just now showing signs that they want to eat, only can have small amounts, but even still they throw most of it up.

They have a follow up appointment for Tuesday. I am confident they are going to recover completely, but was not so sure the past fews days.

Thanks for asking...

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Hope they are feeling better. We know what it's like to have sick critters. Greg
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Well seems like they are doing much better. At least this AM they were screaming for food. They both have lost weight and will take some time to get that back on. Can't let them eat large amounts for awhile. Stomach linings need to heal.

For all you cat owners...beware of non brand named catnips! I went to Pets Plus after work today, bought the seeds for catnip/mint. Will grow it in a long narrow container in the diningroom under the big window. Used to do this all the time and it is much better than the store bought brands.

They like it as well because then they are free to get it when they want. Also got some of that grass stuff...hmmm, forget the name, helps aid in digestion or relieves stomach upsets.

Thanks for asking,

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Barb P
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Omg Yanita, my heart was racing just reading this. You must have been terrified!
I have three cats, and although two of them are twelve years old. only one has ever been really sick. Long story, having to do with stress related tummy problems.
I remember well, her not eating for several days, and the fear of hepatic lipidosis. I was force feeding her gruel from a syringe, as per the vet's instructions.
I danced and cried, when she finally took a bit of tuna from my fingers.

I'm so glad yours are getting better.

Thanks for the heads-up, about the catnip. I happen to have some that I thought was very course. I intended to smash it up, but think now that I will throw it away.
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Catnip is very cheap in comparision to many other cat treats...throw it away and buy the nice fine catnip. Or better yet grow your own and kitty can enjoy when they want. It grows really fast in a warm sunny place.

The difference between success and failure is who gives up first!