pool in the house

Come share your ideas for sprucing up your property.

Moderators: Greg, Mark, mhrAJ333, JD


Hi to all , So am Kelly new to this forum I don't know if am in the right section. But I need your help. Behind my house there a kind of steep green space but inclined and when there is a strong downpour all the water invaded the house and I get flooded. I have look on the search engine and found http://www.stormtec.net/ do you think that could work??
Hope to get answers soon.
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Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2008 9:54 am
Location: Central North Carolina

Posting a few pics would really be helpful. Personally I'd look more into changing the slope and direction of the grade itself so the water is diverted in another direction. Using something like sandbags (or similar devices) is only a Band-Aid effect and not a real cure for the problem.

This will probably be moved over to the "landscaping" section because it is really an outside problem. Unless you have damage from the water itself. Later!
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Welcome to the site!

I agree with Shadow, the sand bags are simply emergency protection but not something I would want to do every time it rains..what happens if/when you are away.

As Shadow said you can change the landscaping or another thing you can do is install a catch basin or a french drain system. Before I could give specifics it would really help to see some pics of the area in relation to your home. Do you have any when there is water present as well?p

Now if you do a google on catch basins they do not need to be built on the grand high dollar scale as most sites show...LOL, off to Landscaping/Decorating forums we go...please follow us there.

The difference between success and failure is who gives up first!
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