Bathroom Floor Bubbled and soft

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This mobile home was a fixer upper before we bought it. The people who we bought it from fixed it up but about a year after moving in, one of our bathrooms floor started to raise and become very soft between the toilet and bathtub. Their is also an awful smell coming from that bathroom even though we don't even use it. My husband has looked at the tub plumbing and did not see a problem. We have to fix the floor but fear what's underneath. Anyone encountered this problem before with a bathroom floor or any floor? Thanks!
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Floor problems are common especially bathroom floors.

I would plan a trip down under for an inspection with a bright light and someone standing by incase of an emergency.


PS: Mark Bower has a repair manual that covers floor repair. Here's a link: ... rers_id=11
Aside from the roof leak, soft floors, rats, mice and bursted plumbing ........ how do you like it?
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Greg S
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Definitely sounds like a leak.
If you are not using the bathroom and assuming there is no water running, leaking tub faucet or toilet tank valve, then you have a water feed line leaking.
Is there an access door into the tap area of the tub.
Did you check to see if there is a shutoff valve on the toilet that may be leaking.
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With the bathroom not being used, your traps might have dried out
make sure the toilet has water in the bowl and pour a quart of water down the tub and sink drains :D
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Since the damage is "between" the tub and the toilet it is possible that when showering the water has dripped from the inside shower wall over the edge of the tub and onto the floor.

I know, this happened to me in our previous home. It had carpeting in there and unbeknownst to me the water ran onto the floor and over time caused a tremendous amount of damage.

You will need to open up the area and see what is going on...LOL, afraid of what you are going to find is not going to cure the problem

Typically tubs do not have shut off valves. See if you have an access panel on the plumbing wall of the shower/tub area. If there is one it will be located on the other side of the wall from the shower. (Possibly inside a closet.)

Someone mentioned going under the home..yup, that needs to be done ASAP. Hopefully water is not being trapped in the underbelly material. You will need to open the area under the tub, let water drain and remove all wet insulation and a little more to make sure you get all the wet stuff. It is no good at this point.
Remove some skirting and get some air circulating underneath.

As Harry mentioned, getting the repair manual will answer alot of your question and leaver no doubt in the repair of the floor and many other repairs that are covered.

Randy is correct about the smell in that room. If the drain traps have dried out then sewer gas is coming up, just run the water and the smell will dissipate in a short time.

Good luck and keep us posted.

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Well, looks like the questions have been answered, now just roll up your sleaves. Greg
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Wow I had no idea there were replies to my posting! The website never sent me an email. Anyway, we used to use the bathroom for baths and toilet, hardly showers, but when the floor started to get soft and bubble, we stopped. My husband opened the door to the back of the tub and did not see any leaks anywhere or standing water. We are both convinced it has something to do with the toilet. We are going to open up the floor this weekend and fix it. Hopefully we will find the problem so it won't continue to happen b/c we want to sell. Thanks for your suggestions and advice!!
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Your welcome, please post back on what you find so we can have a conclusion to this thread.

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