Installing an existing window in bedroom

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Location: sallisaw, okla. 74955

:) Happy Holiday's to the staff!

I have a brain storm project i'm thinking of doing soon as possible for a very good reason.
I'm good at doing carpentry projects.
The home is a 88 model Heritage 16x60 v-roof with metal siding & decorative inside wall panels.
Will bve happy to add any extra details if needed about the house.
Have one large window already in the bedroom 3/4 way down about 12" from the bottom of the wall but want to cut out another hole in the north wall & install a new window.
Now! I haven't done a project this large before but I think if I can build on an additional 16x12 front covered deck on my front porch I can most likely do this project.
Don''t want to make any mistakes cutting out the hole & get the measurements all out of wack & get my wife mad at me.
Your staff has lot's of projects on here but none on adding a new window.
So! Could someone kinda direct me in the right direction on how to do this project so I don't make a boo! boo! somewhere the down the line.
I know there might be problems accidently cutting into wiring & such but have the know how to prevent this.
The window will be positioned at least 1/2 way up the wall (head viewing distance) & not real low like the other windows in the house.
Size is important too.
Thank's for any instruction!
David :)
I am a certified ford diesel tech, "Retired Now" Ford Parts Department counter man, computer consultant, repairman & programmer
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Well Dave, Windows are for the most part straight forward & basic with 3 basic steps, 1- Cut hole. 2 Frame hole for window. 3 Install window. Easy isn't it?? That was the condensed version.

Now for the Real version. Plan the placement & size, you may want to open the inside wall up if possible to find the location of any wires, pipes etc. Plan you framing once you know your window size, Remember you CANNOT over build a window (or door) frame. I like to double up everything if not triple top & bottom. Use screws over nails, they are stronger, tighter and do less damage than nails from the pounding. Cut the outside hole and install window be sure to make sure everything is level & plumb. Use the best caulk you can find and lots of it on the initial install. You can be more sparing when it comes to the finish trim. The last thing you want is a leak.

Plan the job on a nice dry day, warm is good since there will be a large hole in the wall. Give your self plenty of time - Just in case. Greg
"If I can't fix it, I can screw it up so bad no one else can either."
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Will the house look better.
Will it be maintenance free.
Will it be cold on the North.
Does the wall need extra strength.
Will its frame sweat onto the interior sill.
Is the glass guaranteed not to fog.
How's the view.
Posts: 325
Joined: Sun Mar 18, 2007 8:38 am
Location: sallisaw, okla. 74955

Will the house look better.
Not too concerned about how it will look.

Will it be maintenance free.
Apparently it will be after I get through with the project.

Will it be cold on the North.
Indeed it will be but have some trlr's blocking most of the North wind.

Does the wall need extra strength.
Won't know till I remove some of the outer panels to get a better view of the frame work.

Will its frame sweat onto the interior sill.
Not if I seal it properly.

Is the glass guaranteed not to fog.
I guess that's if I install the proper glass framing.

Going to have to delay it till the weather get's a bit warmer.
Frame work on the outside & inside have wiring about 8"'s from the bottom so it won't have any effect on causing a direct short.
Wiring runs through cutouts in the 2x4 vertical supports.
Have to go out & price some window's in my price range first & decide what size is confortable for me.
About the size of a kitchen window is all I need to install.
I am a certified ford diesel tech, "Retired Now" Ford Parts Department counter man, computer consultant, repairman & programmer
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