Re level Advice...Please

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One thing you might want to look into is if your insurance covers the re-leveling. My cousins double wide got off kilter and it was covered by insurance.
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Thanks for all the advice you guys. If it weren't for you, I'd probably be having a nervous breakdown about now. I've gone thru all the contractors that JD gave me, none of them are working except 1, and he said he'd call me on Tues of this wk. HE would not give me any kind of a quote over the phone, saying "I don't know what's wrong, even thou you say it's off level, I don't know that until I crawl under". So that made me feel alittle better. But I'm wondering, that this town , being so small, may be either so busy, or maybe they , the contractors, got together and said "we'll keep it at $2000 or above for all relevels". Do they do that? I've heard of allot of scams around here.

I did call my insurance, and thanks for the thought. Believe me, my brain is in overdrive. They won't cover anything that has to do w/ natural earth movement. That falls under the category of Earthquakes, etc. I guess a guy sued some park here, it's stiill in litigation, about the h20 build up under his MH, due to the Park having a foundation wall too close to his MH, making the h20 pool under his place, causing his whole underbelly of the MH to mold. So no1 is safe around here, w/ that kind of thing happening. It was just written in the park rules the day after I saw it in the paper, that we can't sue or hold the park responsible for any MH problems.

Which made me think, could the "relevel" I'm talking about, be something else? Like a slow h2o leak? The bulge I feel under my feet is at the marraige line at the end of the last 10' of the MH, my bedroom. And then the stud, vertical at the end of the house is pushing inside, toward the sheetrock. Allot of squeaks have been coming up that weren't there before. And when I run the hot h20 tap in the back of the house, I hear a "drip, drip" noise. I had a friend come out and crawl under the MH, and he says that I'm hearing the sound of the pipes warming up. I am praying it's not that. Cause I just can't afford anything big. Crud a relevel is big for me. Just wondering. You guys have helped me soooooo much I'd love to meet you all. To the woman who offered to buy me that book, I have a really hard time asking for help. It's a big problem for me. I probably should have it, but wow , to me that's allot of $. I appreciate the offer, very much, and thank you. I asked a neighbor of mine, he's a very good craftsman, and he's given me a phone # of someone, but I don't know if this guy is PL, PD, insured, bonded, etc. I'll have to ask when I call. I'll get back to you guys as soon as I know. thank you sooo much.
I'll have to change my name, as I see you guys talk allot, so just call me, Barbara. Thanks
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Hi Barb,

Most contractors will call the PL & PD, liability insurance. You can check their license, bond and insurance information at Unscrupulous contractors will say, "Oh yeah, of course we have insurance" when they don't. The license bond is not liability insurance. Workers Comp is not liability insurance.

Contractors will raise rates when they are in high demand. Still I think $2000 for a standard relevel is way out of line, even for the bay area. Did you find out if that contractor was doing anything more than adjusting piers to level the home?

And as for going under the home to check if it is level, I don't so that either. I can tell from symptoms of being out of level if the home is in dire need or not. If I feel that the home does not need a relevel, I tell the customer so. If their are some symptoms but not real bad, I explain that to them. I also say that a relevel is a standard maintenance item and should be done every 8-10 years on established homes, more frequently on homes set on fresh dirt. An experienced contractor does not need to go under the home to tell if it needs a relevel, but he could tell you the condition of the set and piers.


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Thanks JD. Unfortunately, I've been overwhelmed w/ all sorts of things. Part of me is afraid to call the contractor who gave me the bid of $2000, due to 'not knowing what to say" due to my inexperience. I'm afraid that they'll tell me I need "this & this" & I won't know what they are talking about, so I have stalled.

Can a re level be done in the winter in CA? If it's raining? Wow, I wish you were here. I looked up all the guys on the link you gave me, and they are ALL out of business, except one, and he said he'd call me back on Mon. that was yesterday. So I need to get in touch w/ him. Again. I'm just thinking that maybe we are so isolated and w/ only 3 Co's doing re leveling around here, they jack up the prices? Can they do that? The strange thing about my place is the "lump, bump , or whatever it is" under the rug, that I feel, keeps moving. It sometimes is up, and sometimes its down, then it''ll move to the Lt. allot, and then the right. The main thing is , it really is right at the marriage line, and the end of the MH, the bump on the floor is obvious, and the stud b/t the Sheetrock inside and the the outside siding, IS pushing into the inside wall.

One more question. I have a neighbor who is a handyman, he's good, and he gave me a name of a guy who does this kind of thing. Would you recommend him if he doesn't have any license or insurance,etc? Even if he can do it cheaper? And the last , if I can't find anyone to do it for less than $2000, cause the man who came in and gave me the quote, said he normally charges $2500, but gave me a break, due to being low income. Would you recommend I do it w/ them? If there is no1 Else? Or should I wait for the summer season to be over, when contractors are at their height in work, and see if I can get someone else? I'm just wondering if I'm going to do much damage to the MH , my only place to live, if I go slowly, and find out more and research more and talk to you guys more? I'm a novice, I just live here. I don't know what to do. I really need help. I just hate being a woman alone, w/ problems. And anyone who has any ideas, please let me know. I really am thankful for all of you who have given me insight and are teaching me. This is a double wide, 16'x50 , 10.5yrs old, never been re leveled . On cinder blocks, w/ wood under the "I" frames or whatever you call the long metal beams that go from one end to the other. Thanks.
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Hi Barb,

Without being able to see your home, it is difficult to advise anything that is definite. But typically, problems like you are describing are not things that could be described as an urgent repair. If the home is out of level, it can normally remain that way a long time without damage. The first thing to go will usually be the skirting. If the home settles too much, the skirting can be put under a lot of stress and become bowed. If you have vinyl skirting, this is usually not going to happen.

I think you should continue looking for a more reasonable price. A price at $700 or less should be plenty of money for a relevel, even in Santa Cruz.

I have contacted the City of Santa Cruz, but they were not able to help me, without more information.

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Barb, as you know being licenced & insured does not always mean anything one way or the other, it is however an indicator of how proffesional they are. I am sure that there are many out there that are capable of doing the work that do not have insurance or licence. The question is do YOU want to put yourself in a very bad position if something should go wrong? Greg
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Hi Barb,
I'm not sure but you should talk to your State government to see if they have a program in place that will help pay for your repairs. I know here in Alberta we have a program that will help with finances if you qualify and from what you are telling us about your health it would seem that if your state does have a program then you should qualify. having said that if the state does have a program in place apply for the help but do not have any work done as they may not pay for work done prior to your being approved.Slow down and enjoy life as your home is not in jeopardy of falling down,and we all do not want to see you end up in the hospital. Smile today is the first day of the rest of your life.
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HI ,
I've called everyone in the phone book here in Santa Cruz, and no1 will return my calls. I don't know about the housing authority. Right now I'm abit overwhelmed. Just trying to figure if I can find anyone to do this who knows what they are doing. Unfortunately there are credit cards, but I really don't want to do that.

I'll look into it, and if anyone has anymore ideas. IE. handymen? What about them? They must have some handymen w/ licenses? You guys are giving me great advice and I appreciate it all.

If I find someone, how do I go about finding their references? And their contractors license, PL,PD? etc? Do I just come out and ask them? Or is there a place to go to find out? I still have about 1/2 a month on the $2000 bid, to take it, but I realllllly don't want to after reading all of this. I'd take J.D. up on his offer before I did that. Anyhow, any contribution is welcome , and thanked, already! You are the greatest!!!!
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You can find license, workers comp and liability insurance for all contractors in the state of California at

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It's only Monday, but I've spent all day calling the "Contractors" in the yellow pages and online. No one answers the phone around here. I understand that they might be , probably are , very busy. So I leave a quick message w/ phone # asking to be called back because I'm looking to have someone work on my house. No1 calls back. That's the problem I've been having since Spring, Apr. When I 1st started calling.That's why I jumped when the Construction Co. offered to have their "estimator" come and look. And he said "We normally Charge $2500, but for you $2000." So ,today, I called a "licensed, PL,PD,bonded' Construction outfit of MH workers who "subcontract?" They say they cover the guys w/ their license? How does that work?

And when I called the guy, he no longer does releveling and laughed when I told him the estimate I had. He Knows a guy who does it all the time, and is going to give him a call. Thing is, this guy has NO license, anything. But of course the guy who recommended him says he has his own business and that's all he does. No last name, I don't know what to do. Spend $500 for a guy who says he knows and does it all the time, or, spend more, and get it done so it doesn't get messed up. PLEASSEEE. Am I just too panicked over the whole situation? The guy on the phone, from that Co who covers him, said that allot of the Construction Co's can screw up the MH more than just having someone crawl under and tighten the lags? Bolts, etc. I've looked and taken photos, and I don't see any bowing or anything, except what is happening inside the MH. I do have one really nice guy who will help me, if I can't find anyone, and that is in my back pocket , so to speak. That's in over $1000. But it's allot better than $2500 & 2000.00. Any thoughts? Would anyone take the guy here w/o a license? Especially if he owns his own business? I know that means nothing, but I just don't know where else to turn. I've called all the MH Parks, sellers, etc, and no1 knows of anyone.

Hi Barb,

Many cities in CA have programs to help residents make repairs. Go to your city's webpage and look for the "housing" or "housing and community development" department.
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That is a tough one Barbara. Just because a person is not licensed, that does not mean he does not know how to level a home properly. Many guys have worked for a legal contractor for years. This contractor may have sent this man out on relevel jobs and knew that the job would be done right. If the company folds or maybe the employee moves to another city, this same man would be looking for work. There are also many people working illegally for years without a license. I know a couple of them and the one's I am thinking about do good work. Most "handyman" type guys I see in my area should not be leveling homes.

Then again, the last company I worked for fired two guys at different times, that were both excellent MH repair guys, but both had drug and/or stealing problems. Even with a license, you can only know so much about the company by just going through an estimate call. But, if they are licensed, they have to work up to industry standards or the license board can have the work done right and deduct that amount from the contractors bond. The contractor's license is immediately suspended until he pays back the bonding company. The bond and the license board is there to protect the customer. A bond in CA is $12,500. That may not be enough to cover damages, if something real bad was to happen. That is where liability insurance comes in.

I guess it will come down to how you feel about this person and getting references for his work. Legally, you do not have to have a license to level a mobile home or to do handy man work (no permit required type) up to $500 in labor and materials.

Personally, if I were in your shoes, I would certainly want to talk to this handy person with no last name :) I would want references and l would have to feel confident in him before I would hire him. The prices you have been quoted by the other guys are VERY high. Saving $1000 to $2000 is a big deal! In the end, it is just a call that you would have to make. Whatever you decide, be sure that you are totally confident that you made your best choice for you. Do not feel that you have to rush.


Sheeesh, 3 not's in one sentence!
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I've spent all wk, calling MH repair's Co's. No1 has called me back. They all have answering machines. I've called Sales people for MH's. I found one guy who said he'd try to get ahold of a Co. for me, but never heard from him again. I called him back and he didn't answer.

The guy who said he'd ask his friend who would do it on the side, w/o a license, never called back. I called him, and he wouldn't answer, or return my call.

My question is. Should I give up? Let the house wait for another winter? I do have an offer of a Co. , a MH Co from hours away, but that's going to cost me >$1000. But they are Licensed. What would you guys do? Thanks.
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Since this has been SUCH a hard time for me, just to get a "re level", and to get people to come out, and give me the right info, or call back, I just thought I'd add an update on what has happened.

Thru all everyone's comments, and help on this forum, I've learned allot. I got Marks book, thru a verry nice person on the forum, and we have become friends. I literally checked everyone in Santa Cruz County and no1 would do it for under $2500. Which is ridiculous. And to think I almost did it. If it weren't for this forum, the people who know what they are talking about, and a wonderful Contractor in my area, sort of. I'd be up a creek. I'm on a fixed income and I can't afford much, and needed help.

I had a Co. named Central Valley Repair Inc, after talking back and forth, w/o any idea that I'd think about going w/ them, because they live 3-4 hours away, I didn't want to ask something like that. But he offered, and I, after many talks, and especially smelling moldy stuff, and hearing a leak (definite dripping noise) on top of everything, was thinking I'd be homeless soon. I never did find any "financial assist" from the City, HUD, State, Fed. Loans, but they wouldn't give them to me. That's a whole other story.

What I wanted to let anyone , and everyone on this forum know, is this is a great place. The people are helpful, seem to be very truthful, and I've made some good friends . I hope for a long time.

This Co." Central Valley Repair Inc", they took a BIG chance on me. I guess I did w/ them. I didn't know them, but I knew from chatting w/ this "1/2 owner' that he came across as truthful, honest, and never , ever pushed his Co. He kept telling me to find someone here. I just couldn't find anyone w/ PL, PD, Bonding, License. And I know that if somethings going to happen, it'll happen w/ the ones that aren't licensed, or don't have liability. So after spending a few wks, or month talking back & forth, frantically looking here, and no replies, except 1, and that was unrealistic, I , when he offered to come over and look at the place, do a re level for more than he'd normally do it in his town( due to travel, gas, food, all that included), I said "yes" since well it was STILL cheaper than anyone here in town.

I made a choice, and went w/ my gut. I'm so glad I did. This Co. is professional. Will take the time to explain anything I had to ask. And when they got here, it was a 2 day job. I knew it could be a 4 day job if the leak was in the floor and it needed repairs. They spent the night! In a hotel. I was thinking "I could get gouged", but I didn't feel that way in my gut. So for the Re level, the 3 hr drive here, and back, a night of medium expense, food, gas, they did the re level, they did see that the vapor barrier had been cut and left open since the setup(10+ yrs ago), not just in one place but allot of places, and fixed it all. They saw that not only one heating duct was on the ground, giving the ground allot of heat, not me, but 2 were there. The people who put this in had done a poor job , JMO, since I know, my heating has been bad since I got this place. And I've seen those ducts on the ground, well one, and thought "why is that there and what is it?". Once I got Mark's book, I knew, and was a bit upset w/ this Co. in Santa Cruz. Thing is they(MH Construction Co's here) are all the same. The Co's in this Town. And again , JMO , no1 seems to want to come into town to do business w/ the people in MH"s here. I've heard stories after stories. I've been trying for 2 yrs to get help here, and nothing. Unless you hire someone who isn't licensed, who works on the wk ends, w/o PL, PD, you can't get this kind of work done. Now some people are OK w/ that. I wasn't. '

The Fresno based Co. not only fixed the heating ducts, they came inside and inspected, and heard the "drip, drip" noise I've been hearing, and it's been scaring me. That scared me, cause they heard too. So they crawled under and inspected the bottom , and nothing. So they cut the Vapor Barrier open and the floor was "Pristine". NO water. Now the dripping noise is still there. So, it looks like the PVC pipe from the hot h20 , just moves abit when I turn on hot water anywhere in the house. The other "Co-owner" said he'd never seen anything like it. And he's got experience. He tried to tighten it w/ a bracket of some kind, thou it was hung from a bracket. But, I could swear, today that I have a leak, that's getting faster and faster. So, after that I had them look at my window a/c, and fix my sliding closet door that I hadn't been able to open for 10 yrs! They were willing to do anything. I was thinking , I'm going to be paying for this for a LONG time. Thank goodness for good credit. Anyway, long story, but they did ALL of that, and it came to almost the exact same price the people in Santa Cruz who gave me a bid. Like I said , everyone here who I could talk to said a 're level costs $2500". So yes you could say I spent more than I needed for a re level, but I got my ducts fixed, my vapor barrier fixed, my a/c checked, house inspected, a re level, and the knowledge that I can live w/ a dripping noise and no damage is there. That's verrry important to me. And I just thought, if anyone from my area ever reads this, they will know there is a EXCELLENT Co. out there, in Fresno, that will take care of you, and cross whatever the Co's here have going.

And on top of it all, they are so nice. The one I talked to for a long time, to find out what the heck was going on. And his partner is a gentle , hard working man, and his assistant, a hard working , nice guy. OK, that's a big update, but I had to put it here,just in case someone is out there like me. YES you can hire someone w/o a license to do it for $250 if you can get ahold of them, and yet you don't know who they are, and how much experience they have. It's a personal preference. But I am so totally relieved, knowing I still have a home, and it's safe. Needs cosmetic help, but that's not a problem.

So thank you everyone on this community who have helped me w/ their ideas, and input. It means allot to someone like me. I tend to panic when I think I'm going to be homeless. And I tend to think up the worst situation it could be, instead of the best. That
something I have to work on. Thank you ALL!!!! And I love Mark's book. I know something now.
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