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Re: Installing a new window where there was none.

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:02 pm
by gordo48111
I thought these forums are used to help inform and educate us so that we may decide whether or not we want to undertake a project. Don't worry, Ron, I'm not about to cut a hole in the side of my home if I'm not sure what I'm doing. I'm surprised you felt the need to say that.

Re: Installing a new window where there was none.

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 7:10 pm
by Greg
I doubt that Ron ment it the way you took it. I think what he was saying that some people will jump in way over their head. We can not always tell a person's skill level with just a few posts on the subject.


Re: Installing a new window where there was none.

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 11:53 pm
by Greg S
I believe you are misunderstanding the advice being given. The tool shown is used to unhook the top row of siding from the one below. What you must do is starting at the top of the wall remove each row of siding down to a level below the intended window opening. Install the new window and reinstall your siding around the window completing to the top of the wall.
There is no way to actually bend back the siding, in place, and fit the window in. Your siding must be removed first.

When reinstalling I would advise using screws not nails.

Re: Installing a new window where there was none.

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 8:47 am
by gordo48111
Thank you Greg S. for answering my initial posted question about siding, without going into a dissertation on framing, materials, etc.
I did find a video on removing and replacing siding that shows it is possible to start removing the siding at the middle of the wall (new window location) as opposed to the top of the wall but I will consider all suggestions.

Re: Installing a new window where there was none.

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:35 am
by HouseMedic
I have to disagree with GregS, You can remove vinyl siding in any area that you want. You can start right where you want to put the window just take off complete pieces. Most likely they will be 12 to 12 1/2 ft. long or shorter if they were cut. When you go to put them back on you start with the lowest piece that you took off and lift just slightly to were it is locked into the lower piece when you nail it back on. If you pull up to far the last piece will be to loose. Also screws are a bad idea. When you nail on the siding the nail is not suppose to be completely tight. You leave it out about an 1/8" or more so the siding can move with expansion and contraction. Just use 2" roofing nails preferably aluminum not steel.


Re: Installing a new window where there was none.

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 2:48 pm
by gordo48111
Thanks Ron.