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RE: Mousey Move-In Day

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:22 pm
by Yanita
Hey Maureen and everyone,

Yup, peanut butter works the best, but still second to my cats. If you have cats please be careful where you set the traps at. Make sure the cats can not get into the traps. Last year my cat got to the trap, it broke some of her toes!

If anyone gets one of those electronic devices let me know how it works for you. At present my mouse problem is not drastic, it is the occasional pest.

Have a good night!


Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:38 pm
by Jaie
I have to admit, I'm NOT a cat person. Not even on my best day (which means they always jump on my lap of course) I'm seriously, badly deeply allergic. My son has two outdoor ones. They aren't allowed in at all, but they do keep a majority of the pests in the immediate area under control. We do still get mice. I've had those electronic emitters, but if you have dog's ears like mine, you'll hear that high pitch frequency they use. I can't have them in the house because the noise is worse than an old TV that is out of tune.

I myself like Dcon, and the round Dcon traps. No mess, no fuss. Little peanut butter in the bottom, and they spin shut and you never see a mouse, just a sprung trap.

And let me tell you, seeing what mice have done to the "new" really do not want them in a trailer. One kitchen drawer was PACKED with insulation. And remind me to share the wasp story with you all sometime.

RE: Mousey Move-In Day

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:28 am
by Yanita

Just a reminder about using a poison...this sets you up for trying to find dead critters in your home. I promise they wont be in an area that is easy to access. Chances are they will be inside your wall or your underbelly!

Cats are not for everyone that's for certain. In that case, remove all food sources, seal up the home, bait those traps and be diligent in the pursuit of getting rid of the critters.

Good luck....


Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 8:34 am
by Jaie
And sometimes dead critters are found in the most...interesting places. Anyplace they can go to get water. D-con makes them thirsty, so they drink, then bloat. So it's not unusual to find them in your toilet at the least. D-con or many other poisons also are attractive to other animals, so make sure they are shoved well under places like fridges, and stoves so that your cats (or kids) don't get into them.

RE: Mousey Move-In Day

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 12:26 pm
by Bass Babe
Anybody who wants can borrow my in-laws. They came to our place last winter and shot 2 squirrels. For fun. In the house. Yuck. But no more squirrels!

As far as the sonic repellers, my father uses them, and he's had one plugged in down in his cellar for as long as I can remember. He stores food down there, including boxed and bagged items, easily infiltrated by little teeth and claws. It's kinda like a bomb shelter, Dale Gribble-style. And not one mouse has tucked in for a meal in 20 years. And it's not for lack of rodents. My parents have had mice chew holes thru the ceiling before. But no activity in the cellar. And he's still on repeller #1. I can only hear it if I hold it up to my ear. I would say it could be worth a try if it's cheap enough!

RE: Mousey Move-In Day

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 8:57 pm
by Guest
Good grief! Things are going from bad to worse here. Opened the water heater access door this morning to check the traps and was delighted to see they were still set and empty for the second day. Just as I was about to pat myself on the back for finally figuring out where they were getting in, I did a double-take. Something didn't look right, so I reached in and pulled out one of the traps. Still set, but - the peanut butter bait was GONE! Same for the other trap. They had completely cleaned the peanut butter off the triggers without springing the traps! I usually use the traps with the wide yellow plastic trigger (the ones with the holes in them that look like cheese), but had caught so many mice I had had to get more traps at the hardware store the other day. Unfortunately, they were out of the "Easy Set" traps as they call them and I had to buy the older-style ones with the metal triggers. They don't go off quite as easily, but that's all they had. So I wedged some gauze into the trigger and spread peanut butter on that and set them. Well, the little buggers even ate the gauze! So there's no doubt I still haven't found the source of entry yet. It apparently wasn't the overflow pipe after all. I immediately went searching for more Easy Sets and have replaced the useless older style ones. I'm sure I'll hear them go off tonight at some ungodly hour of the night when my boarders come back looking for more peanut butter. Geeez, these little freeloaders are going to drive me bananas. I can almost picture them in the belly high-fiving each other with peanut butter grins after cleaning off those traps!
I don't own a cat right now. I do love them and had my last one, Tick Tock, for almost 17 years before she passed away. I just have too much going on right now to take on more responsibility, but I'm sure there's another one in my future some day soon. The weird thing is there are so many cats in this park. I can hardly look out the window without seeing one cat or another passing through my yard. My next-door neighbor's cat Eddie is practically a permanent fixture. Lot of good it's doing me!!
Yanita, feel free to close this thread. It's getting way too lengthy and it looks like I'm in this for the long haul with no solution in sight. Thanks to all who have responded. I'll be sure to let you know if I ever find a way to end this invasion!

RE: Mousey Move-In Day

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:45 pm
by Yanita
Hey Wayne...

I sympathize but have no fool proof method. The cat/s will only be good if they can get into where the mice are, in your case the W/H area is not accessible from inside, and you certainly do not want to ever turn a cat loose under your home.

Fortunately I only get a mouse every now and again...not constantly.

Tonight the cats, Larz and Suki had a grand time, nope, not a mouse, but one of those icky looking neon green tree frogs. Yup, moving in the plants as it's getting colder at night. Thought I checked each plant real good for gecko's and frogs....well not good enough! :roll:

Take care and should you try one of those electronic devices or find another method please feel free to post back, this one is now being locked.

Take care,
