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RE: Aspartame

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 3:50 pm
by Harry

Ever noticed most fat people drink diet soda?

According to this aspartame increases the cravings for carbs.


Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 4:16 pm
by Manitoba Bill
Isn't it strange on a forum that will not give advice about electric problems, people suggest any number of medical fixes. LOL

44,600 Hits about Aspertame hoaxes. ... axes&meta=

Tall & fat.

RE: Aspartame

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:31 pm
by Harry
Hi Bill

I Googled sugar+hoax and got 490,000 hits. LOL ... tnG=Search


RE: Aspartame

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:23 am
by Robert
No medical fixes or advice given, just personal thoughts and personal experiences and what posters were told by their docs.

Big difference between that and actually telling someone with no electrical experience how to wire their home.

What I find funny is when you go to the internet to find it's a hoax about something on the internet. LOL.

Take care and best wishes,

RE: Aspartame

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 8:08 am
by Harry

I agree with Robert.

With regard to anything I've posted please form your own opinion.

Good Luck


Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:50 am
by Mark
I think in a nutshell it comes down to diets. Apparently what we eat and drink affects people differently. What helps one person would be declared a hoax by another.

I'm done taking pills from the doctor. I have also since cut way down on fast food and pop. My stomach issues seemed to have disappeared. Maybe it was too much asparatame. Too much caffeine. Maybe it was too much fast-food grease. Probably a combination of everything.

Bottom line is that I'm getting older (in my 40's now for gosh sake!), and I think my body is telling me I can't continue eating like I'm a teenager. So now I change. I've already lost weight with the changes, so can't be all bad!

Let's keep this topic focused on people who have seen changes by cutting down on asparatame, caffeine or whatever. I appreciate those who have contributed. I've found it quite interesting.


RE: Aspartame

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:35 pm
by garrett_reukauf
As a truck driver, I will tell all of you the same thing you already know. Pop, whether its regular, diet, or caffiene free, is bad for you. And that greasy fast food is even worse, that stuff clogs your arteries and alot of the fast food places dont practice good food safety precaution. I worked at McD's when I was in high school and when they cook the meat(and chicken) they are only supposed to keep it under the warmer for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes they are suppose to throw it the unused cooked items away and replenish the warmer. There were a few times that mgmt would tell us to just reset the timer and leave the items up there, especially if there is a lot remain. They claimed it saves time and cost. All these fast food places have ways of cutting corners. When I first started driving truck, I was living off pop and fast food. I was ok for a good while, then I started to get stomach aches and noticed a major loss of energy, always felt sleepy, and had headaches. I never went to see a doctor about any of it, but I completely cut out the pop all together, now I only drink water, milk, or juice (apple/orange) even V-8 sometimes. I dont eat fast food anymore unless absolute last resort. I by things at the store before I leave to make good healthy meals, freeze them put them in refer in my truck and pop in the micro at meal time. I got stuff to fix sandwiches and salads too for something fast or light to tie me over for a bit. Since I changed my eating and drinking habits I notice a complete change in my health, didnt have stomach aches, and I have a lot more energy and dont feel sleepy all the dang time. Lost about 15 pounds too, so now I am right where i need to be w/ my age/height/weight ratio.
If you do HAVE to stop at a fast food place, then try to get the grilled chicken or a salad. And the "snacky" stuff too like chips and candy bars and stuff is just as bad for ya. Try pretzels, or the "BAKED" brand chips that lays has.
Good luck with that Mark, let us know how it all turns out and what it was finally. We all have families that need us, and we need to keep ourselves healthy for our families and oursleves.