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RE: CHANTIX - success?

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:28 pm
by Koiflowers

Sorry about your back. My husband was seriously insured at Shell. Hit in back with pipe swinging on the end of a crane and he flew 50 feet. He's had 3 back surgeries and neck surgery.

Heck he had on a neck brace when we went on our first date. I was afraid I would break his neck! Anyway, his Drs operated on him even as a smoker.

Back to Chantix:
He's off Chantix and still smoking. I sure hope he keeps it to 1 pack every 3 days and doesn't slip back into full-flown smoking. It's a very touchy subject. Non-smokers do tend to get preachy, and smokers don't usually appreciate it. It's a thin line we walk!! He growls at me a lot if I ask him how much he smoked. But he brags when its not much.

RE: CHANTIX - success?

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 4:02 pm
by Harry

Nope.... preaching does not work. They stop when they want to.

My uncles used to preach to my Aunt Ruth about her smoking. That is until she died of lung cancer at an early age.

I wish my daughter in Australia would quit.

My daughter in Maryland quit when she started coughing so bad she would vomit.


Re: RE: CHANTIX - success?

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:44 pm
by chasMB
I have been smoking for 35 years and I was a 3 pack a day smoker/ burner. The G/F got on the Chantix before I did and I saw how it worked for her so I tried it. My smoking went down to the point I was only smoking while at work during the week. I had it down to a pack a day. :) I stayed at this level for a while so I went off the Chantix and my smoking stayed at this level. I waited 2 weeks to make sure "I" had control of this and was comfortable. THEN I went back on the Chantix. I am down to a pack a week, Only during the day while at work.
Koiflowers wrote:
Back to Chantix:
He's off Chantix and still smoking. I sure hope he keeps it to 1 pack every 3 days and doesn't slip back into full-flown smoking. It's a very touchy subject. Non-smokers do tend to get preachy, and smokers don't usually appreciate it. It's a thin line we walk!! He growls at me a lot if I ask him how much he smoked. But he brags when its not much.