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RE: Killing boxelder bugs

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:05 am
by otis
I live in Oklahoma and have had those bugs now for 2 years.

They live manly out by my A/C. Had a few in the house. I have used Triazicide liquid, I mix it a little strong in a sprayer and give them a good spray down and they are gone. I spray around my mobile home once a month in the warmer months, then about every couple of months in the winter.

I get this spray at Walmart, Home depot or Lowes.

Hope this helps. I don't spray inside because I have birds.

Now if anyone can suggest on how to get rid of ants (small black ones, sugar ants, piss ants) I sure could use that help.


Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 3:58 am
by 76artcraft
I'd recommend tempo.
I haven't used it mytself, but know people who have, with good results.
If I finally decide to spray this year... this would be what I would use. ... 35&code=13
(Hope the link works!) ... 35&code=13

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 4:21 am
by 76artcraft
I tried to get the a link to the Tempo SC- That's what the people I know use.
I know $65 seems like allot for bug killer, but it makes 40 gallons! and I heard one spraying lasts up to 3-4 months and no I don't sell this stuff. I'm just thinking of trying it, I'm not to fond of spraying poison around my house but I'm getting sick finding a few bugs here and there passing through...
Although this year I've had less bugs in the house, I dunno if it's the weather or it's cause of the improvements I've been making on the house.
I used to get those hunter spiders all the one a night almost, but this year I only had one so far! - now I hope I don't jinx myself for bragging!

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 4:28 pm
by Dean2
I do what Greg mentioned.

A 10% soap 90% water mix is recommended but I use more like 25% soap. I mix the liquid concentrate laundry soap and water in a 2 gallon hand pump garden sprayer with the adjustable-tip wand,then when they are out in big numbers I go spray em,takes 20-30 seconds and they are dead. I also use the same mix in squirt bottles indoors for the ones that find their way in.

Battled them for 2-3 years now and the numbers are down considerably. The soap mix may discolor paint but it is very temporary,at least in My experience. I didn't notice any discoloring on the exterior paint.

RE: Killing boxelder bugs

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 12:43 am
by 76artcraft
Thanx for the tip,
sounds like a good cheep alternative to pesticide,
& safer too. :)

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 1:29 am
by mokehillannie
I've never heard of a box elder bug. What do they look like and what do they do?

I guess they aren't in California or Arizona. At least I've never heard of them here. Maybe we call them by another name?

RE: Killing boxelder bugs

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 8:00 am
by Harry
Hi annie



Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 10:07 pm
by mokehillannie
I don't ever remember seeing such a bug. If we have them here, they must not be much of a problem.

Thanks for the pictures. Now if I see one, I'll know what they are.

RE: Killing boxelder bugs

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 10:14 am
by oldfart
Ahhhh..pest control! One of my favorite subjects! Well folks here's some ideas. I had an infestation of boxelder bugs in the grandkids Little Tykes playhouse out in the yard and when I knew they (grandkids) wasn't gonn'a be around for a while I snatched up a can of Raid Ant&Roach Killer and bombed it. Seems to have worked but I'll hose the playhouse down with some bleach and the power-washer just to make sure all the chemicals is gone before the kids come back for a visit. Now..ants! Arrrghhh! I had so many of them black carpenter ants in my home a while back it was creepy! They was everywhere. Knowing ants crave sweets (not just wood) I gave 'em what they wanted. I layed down a couple newspapers and peeled an apple and dropped the peelin's on the newspaper. SHAZZAM! 2 hours later the whole colony was there fillin' their craws and I sprayed them with the Raid. Killed 'em daid! The reason to lay down the newspaper is because the Raid might gammahooch your new vinyl flooring!..and it made it easier to pick up the mess. Take notice to the direction the ants is haulin' back their load of goodies and lay down a pattern of spray in that area as well. They leave a trail for other ants to foller. Ain't seen an ant in quite some time now. do I git rid of the stink-bugs?? Them pesky vine-borers..kind'a diamond shaped..stink real nasty when ye smash 'em. I'm findin' them boogers everywhere. Audie..the Oldfart..