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RE: Do you smoke...?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 9:23 am
by Yanita
Hey Ole FArt,

When I go to PA the folks I stay with use the same products you are mentioning. The machine works great. One night the 3 of us stayed up watching movies as you mentioned. Heck I bet we rolled up 3 cartons of smokes.

LOL, I have trimmed alot of "pork" from our budget, just not the smoke budget. If or when I do, (should quit) I have considered the route that you have taken...


Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:23 pm
by Dean3
I can't remember the exact forum,was just cruising the subject,,but,,the Premium Supermatic is touted as being a very good unit just as Yanita and Audie say..However,,the Supermatic 2 is a different story,supposedly there are problems with those.

My Son is gonna check His town for the Supermatic tube stuffer(for Me)and I'll check this area.

On one or maybe even two forums I saw referance to folks that,when they have trouble with a stuffer,they carefully file the the sides of the piece that slides into the paper tube,apparently makes them work smoother and faster..Again,I don't own one as yet so no personal experience.

Yanita,You can buy different tobaccos,some strong,some lite.You can also get filter tubes with lite filters. I was thinkin of full strength tobacco(wich I now have)and pairing that with lite filter tubes. Another trick You sometimes see on manufactured smokes is that they actually put tiny air holes down close to the filter,,a body could replicate that with a sharp pin if Ya didn't like the strength of the material Ya bought,,,and/or just take a smaller toke.

Ya know,,,pretty soon,,Yanita,Audie,and I will be able to write a book on this! Maybe Mark will use His publishing experience to help Us out!! LOL,,,,ahhhhhh just kidding I guess. :)


Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:58 pm
by Dean3
Repost from gardenning;;

Rustic Girls webpage(posted link below)claims that soaking tobacco leaves then using the water to mist other plants helps to deter insects as the tobacco has natural defenses in it or some such thing. I don't grow anything but grass and a few existing trees at the moment but thought the tobacco water tip might be of help to some folks. ... bacco.html

Yanita,didn't You say there is a tobacco field right off Your backyard? Maybe snag a few leaves and give the tip a tryout. That way You at least get something for the headaches of the contaminated well water! Crafty devil ain't I.:)

At any rate the afformentioned page is a good read,,Yer friendly neighborhood dumb@$$ drywaller recommends it highly. :D


PS;;I will copy/paste this post to Audie's thread in off topic as I feel it pertains to both this and that..Please pardon the crosspost if You read MHR through email. Sorry.

RE: Do you smoke...?

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:56 am
by oldfart
Dean the biggest mistake folks make when using one of these rolling machines is they try to force it. They pack the tabaccy in the trough and then ram the lever. When it stops..they force it. DON'T do this. Stop...reverse the lever... and use a credit-card to clear the jam. The loading lever is connected to a plastic/nylon piece that WILL break if you force it. The cost of replacement parts+shipping is more than the machine costs. So stop forcing it. Now, here's the way I set up to "roll my own." I have one of them T.V./snack trays with about a 1inch sidewall. WalMart sells 'em. On the left side of the tray I lay out a good handfull'a tabaccy...scrunched into the lower left corner. Right above the tabaccy at upper-left I place a handfull'a tubes. I position the rollin' machine in the middle of the tray. The area to the right of the machine is where I drop the finished product. I lay the tray on my lap and commence to rollin'. Here's my method. I reach up and grab a pinch of tabaccy..(left hand) drop it in the loading trough and tamp it in LIGHTLY with a credit card. (right hand) Slide on a tube and swing the lever and STOP! Now, pick off the filled tube with the left hand and switch it to the right hand and tamp it "filter down" to settle the tabaccy. While yer tampin' it down with the right hand use the left hand to pluck more tabaccy and refill the trough and slide on another tube. Give the new cig. a little twist on the end...jest like a keep it closed...and drop it on the right side of the machine. Use the old credit card to pack the tabaccy down lightly...and hit the lever agin'. It's all about gaining a fluid motion over and over agin'. Like a machine....fill...trip the lever..pull the filled tube and install a new tube and replentish the tabaccy all in one single motion. Boom....boom..boom...just like a pump shotgun. If I ever figger out how to post a photo hereabouts I'll show the sequence. Audie...rollin' my own...

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:25 pm
by Dean3
Cool Audie,TY,easy does it I guess.

For My hand rolling I've been trying to incorporate any fine shake in with the coarser cut,wich actually works ok. I got to thinkin tho,,maybe a chamber pipe with some sort of filter material(cotton?) stuffed into the stem's chamber,then load the bowl with the shake that's harder to roll..Cig baccy and pipe baccy are two different things I think but if filtered in the above manner might be another way to use the finer/dryer shake. I do like options,seems like it is always good to know more than one way to "skin a cat". My apolgies to Yer sickly puddintat of course! :)


Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:17 pm
by Dean3
Language warning for this vid. Premier Supermatic.

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 6:28 pm
by Dean3
Hey audie,,new trick!

I discovered it for My hand rolling but it might be of use for the supermatic made smokes too.After I roll one I use an inkpen with the writing tip in wich puts a decent amount of packing pressure to the click button,then I use the button to pack any loose end and it doesn't overpack it,,dunno if this would help with the filter tubes after they are tamped or not.


RE: Do you smoke...?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:15 am
by Harry

You don't always die from tobacco


Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:23 am
by Dean3
LOL,nope,not always. But then when the moral majority and/or goody two shoes have quashed everything they don't like,,history shows,,they then turn on each other in some way shape or form. My eldest Sis said "it'll be different this time",,well Sis,it was different *every time*,,but,,it still happened,and it will happen again,,that's just human nature,for every dab of control gained two more dabs are required.

I'm not only keeping the right to smoke alive as long as possible,,I'm quietly fighting for all kinds of freedom. I have every intention of being American *without* *ever* being a puritan robot..LOL,,true story.

Good video tho Harry,and it makes a very valid point.. In My case tho it will be either a heart attack or a speeding truck that's bigger than My truck thats finally snuffs My bulb! LOL.

I *do* wholeheartedly agree tho,if in a house with non smokers then go outdoors for a smoke,,If My baby Grand Daughter comes to visit I go outdoors to smoke even at *My own house*,,same with any kids,,when My GF lived here we smoked outdoors cause of Her kids,even if it was -20F!!

If I ever decide to quit it will be 100,000% My idea,,a billion commercials will never change that,,,the word "stubborn" never had a better home than Me! :)


RE: Do you smoke...?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:15 pm
by Harry
Hi Dean

LOL 10-4

I know a lady who does the patches, the gum and still smokes....and black coffee .....she's hooked and she likes it. She buys the gum at the flea market 'cause the drug stores see her coming. Something about a time limit on how long you are suppose to be on the gum.

My daughter quit recently and everyone around her wishes she'd start up again.....really crabbie.


RE: Do you smoke...?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:04 pm
by Yanita
Hey Larry,

That lady is severely compromising her health..LOL, yup, this coming from one who smokes.

It is dangerous (overdose) to have that much of a nicotine intake. I had to go to the Dr.s once for my initial start of the patches. Yup, the Step One was way to much nicotine for my system.

Hot flashes, vomiting, shakes, confusion, horrific nightmares...

And...dam if our cigs did not go up another 71 cents a pack a couple days ago....time to balance the budget!


Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:41 pm
by Dean3
Harry,,or is it "Larry"? LOL,just messin wit Yanita bit! :D

If I quit cold turkey I would roll up and smoke cold turkeys if I had too! Prolly eat the breast and roll n smoke the dark meat! I'm like yer Daughter in that respect,,no smokes-get the he!! outa My way if'n Ya got a brain! LOL.

Yanita,,some time ago,like 8 years or sumthin,I tried the patches and got down to 2 maybe 3 cigs a day,they do actuallly work that well anyhow,,,but,,I'm 6' 3" and anywhere from 225lb to 250lb,,,,I don't remember overdosing on anything,,ever,,of course an overdose does not promote good memory! :D

Believe it or not there are some nightmares I actually like,,then again,,some I never wanna have again!


RE: Do you smoke...?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:44 pm
by Yanita
Hey Dean...

LOL, Larry is my husband.

Joke on you maybe? :lol:


Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:06 pm
by Dean3
Ha ha ha ha,,no way Lady,,You were replying to Harry and I'm just sober enough to know it! LOL...Besides,,,didnt You say a while back it was difficult to get Yer Hubby to join in here? Maybe i'm mistaken on that on that tho,,I do play around on various groups now and again.


RE: Do you smoke...?

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:26 am
by Yanita
Yeah, I said it...he does not care for pc's once he gets home, has to use them at work.

But, in order to help me he will answer any questions I have to help here.

My Hubby does commercial/industrial plumbing/heating. LOL, hates a mobile home. Not that the plumbing is hard, it's about as basic as it can be, it's the accessibility and those dirty crawl spaces he hates.
