Stimulus opinions

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Unfortunately there are no easy answers. The economy has been so screwed up for so long that it IS going to take a lot to turn it around. I think there has been far to much greed on the part of people and corporations TAKING our money, and the era of easy credit and keeping up with the Jones', Smiths, and Doe's that many people have no idea HOW to earn an honest buck. And, by the way who IS worth more than $100,000 a year in salary?

I also personally feel that ANY corrupt Banker, stock broker, investment broker that steals even ONE pension, or 401 should face life in a Federal jail, NO PAROLE! Go ahead, do another miltibillion dollar Ponzi sceam. Greg
"If I can't fix it, I can screw it up so bad no one else can either."
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Well,,no,,not once it went too far,I agree on that score.

I'm not a masters in anything except life and survival , but here's my take on the stimulus package.

Aren't the bankers the one's who are suppose to know how to manage money , if so why are we bailing out those who don't know how and if a bank fails that owns your mortgage that doesn't mean
you are out of a house some other bank will buy the assets.
How do I know this , well my wife had a credit card with a bank that failed 5 years ago and the cards that had zero balance were canceled and the ones that had money against them were purchased by an
investment firm and the card was canceled and the debt become a loan.

Also if the car company's are failing maybe it is because the workers are getting 50 dollars a hour plus and the cars cost a arm and a leg.
I remember in the 70's when imports were selling like hot cakes cause Detroit didn't have a decent small car and Chevy come out with the Vega it sold like wold fire even tho it was a piece of crap just because it was a alternative to foreign and most americans still bought america if they could.

And stimulas is great if it gets to the working man but just like all things in washington now days , most of it is earmarked for big projects where a few unemployed skilled laborers will go back to work but mostly it will line the pockets of the boss's just like bushs
tax breaks for the rich.
The only change being they will have to ask for it instead of just writing it off on their taxes.
Trickle down economics didn't work its time for trickle up.
So what are you gonna do with your extra 13 dollars a week I'm
gonna buy a luxury bicycle so I can get around cheap when oil prices shoot back up and the rest I'm gonna spend on a luxury subway lunch.

I have seen half the place I work for laid of and most of our projects are goverment and big budget ,nobodys spending because everyone is scared.

And what happened to if you done a bad job they let you go.
I mean a good ceo is worth his money but a bad one isn't worth letting on the elevator.
If they don't do good they should get the boot like anyone else and
no golden parachute because if they were good they would have enough saved they wouldn't need it.

And no I don't mind helping the poor but the stupid are a different story, if you are worker at MacDonald's and you let a bank and Realtor sell you on a 250,000 dollar house you are not smart and they are even more stupid for letting you have it.
On the other hand I guess we all are stupid , we keep electing people who claim to wanna serve the public and all they do is serve themselves a little more money.
My question is there is 6 or 7 different partys ,not just dem and republican but people just keep voting for one of the two and then complain as they dig us deeper and deeper.

These are my words of wisdom
Vote your heart and mind ,not your pocket book that will follow if you researched and voted for the right guy or gal.

Save at every turn,pay yourself first because when you are starving
you won't see joe banker standing on the corner giving dollar bills away.

Go green its easier than you think and it pays for itself.

Don't overpay your taxes you are just letting them use your money for a year for free-they won't do that for you,just ask the irs.
But if you underpay as long as you pay in april theres no interest.
If you use tax returns as a savings account thats not smart banks at least give you 1.2 percent interest.

And do I think this stimulas package will work.
And will our kids be paying it off.

Answer below!

Hell No
Hell Yes

Little Know fact:If you rob peter to pay pual ,eventually pual gets robbed.

Oh just a added note:I agree with greg except I think politicians and people who steal peoples retirements should be hung as traitors,because when you hurt that many people or betray the public trust you are no better than the spy that sold or gave away state secrets.To me white collar crime is just the goverments way of saying
he's my rich friend and I might need to borrow 100,000 from him sometime.Example of that would be Micheal Milton and the junk bond scandal of the 80's I think ,bilked 40 million out of people got fined 4 million.
Don't you think if you stole 40 million the fine should be more than you stole.
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Aside from the roof leak, soft floors, rats, mice and bursted plumbing ........ how do you like it?
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Digital,Hang'n too good for them, let them suffer like the rest of us!!

Harry, We HAD a Governor that was investing in a Whore house, He got booted!!! Now we have one that wants to tax soda. Greg
"If I can't fix it, I can screw it up so bad no one else can either."

What did you expect dean they already tax sex,food and housing and can't seem to get enough.

If taxing the essentials don't get them enough , they ought to start taxing hot air in washington dc i'm sure we would run a surplus for a while.

The problem I see is like harry said the federal goverment can't run
itself much less anything else properly,why don't they just do foreign
affairs like they were originally setup to do and leave the rest to the states ,because it will all balance out in the end.

If you let smaller groups such as state residents decide on how they would fund anything that can not pay for itself such as welfare and social services, believe me it would all balance out,because states that were doing more at first like minnesota in the 80's, we were giving bigger welfare checks out than Illinois and we had welfare cases moving here just for the bigger check,they passed a law that said you had to be a resident for i think it was 60 days before you could apply for benefits and the stream stopped almost dead.

You know we don't mine helping our own but let everyone else do the same , its kinda like the social security system when 12 people were putting in for every one that was taking out it worked and we built a surplus,but then in the late 70's washington in its idiotic wisdom borrowed from it for the general fund and left a iou that it could never make good on because that is like robbing peter to pay paul ,and now look at the mess it is in.

Our problem in this country is every time something goes wrong we
look at the federal goverment to solve it and their answer to everything is a new bureaucracy funded by us.

It would be cheaper to just hold a referendum at the local level in the place that it occurred,get the answer yes or no to the fix and do it than pay 400 politicians to study it for two years and then 5000 more to administer it for the next 50 years.

Heres my take real math: 1 problem + 1 solution = 2

Washington math: 1 problem x 2000 politicians X 4000 bureaucrats
+ 1 solution = 780 billion

Time to get back to math basics, this new math is bankrupting us.
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Harry Harry Harry!;; Sell the whiskey!--RENT the Whores out!! :)

Greg;; Whores and soda would go well with Harry's whores and whiskey! As usual a blending of ideas works best. :D

digitaldreams;; Almost sounds like the trick will be to remember all the mistakes later on after the debacle..Not all that long ago I talked with someone "in the know" that person said "It takes an average of 3 years for people to forget a flood and buy property in a flood zone",,can You imagine!?!..Politicians and big biz employ similar tactics with the tricks they use,,the older I get the less new tricks I see.

I often revert to this kind of comment but here goes anyway;; Every type of usery You see(legal or not)is just a continuation of old survival tactics developed looong ago,it is modernized to work in the current environment. *WE* have not evolved very much in 100,000 years,,technolgy has evolved much more than mankind. We might as well be at a gathering of tribes and looking to leaders to dicker out a good deal for hunting lands!

That My Friends,is the bottom line as I see it. The only clues to the future are in the past.


I like harry's business strategy only lease the whores out , then you get money and them back and someone else does the maintenance. And you
can charge for over usage too.

And dean yea I sometimes ramble when it comes to
goverment and debacles because after 50 years I
still remember my stupid mistakes and guess I find it hard to believe that politicians only have have 30 second sound bite memorys.

And granny once said history repeats itself ,she was great for physiological remarks so I'm just waiting for the point were everyone lives in harmony and eats the fruits of nature , so how long till we get back around to the garden of eden part of history.Heck I would settle for love ins and communes how long till we get to the 60's can't be long retro clothing is already coming back.
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Wether this is funny cause it is basically correct or basically wrong makes no matter to Me,,I'm posting it *only* for comedic value. :D

Young Chuck in Montana bought a horse from a farmer for $100. The farmer agreed to deliver the horse the next day. The next day the farmer drove up and said, "Sorry son, but I have some bad news... the horse died."

Chuck replied, "Well, then just give me my money back."
The farmer said, "Can ' t do that. I went and spent it already."
Chuck said, "Ok, then, just bring me the dead horse."
The farmer asked, "What ya gonna do with him ? "
Chuck said, "I ' m going to raffle him off."
The farmer said, "You can ' t raffle off a dead horse!"
Chuck said, "Sure I can, Watch me. I just won ' t tell anybody he ' s dead."

A month later, the farmer met up with Chuck and asked, "What happened with that dead horse ?"
Chuck said, "I raffled him off. I sold 500 tickets at two dollars a piece and made a profit of $998."
The farmer said, "Didn ' t anyone complain ? "
Chuck said, "Just the guy who won. So I gave him his two dollars back."

Chuck grew up and now works for the government. He ' s the one who figured out how the "bail-out" is going to work.

In that case case can I get my 5000 dollars.
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DigitalDreams; Somebody like Chuck has Your $5000,,You might have to pry it from His dead fingers. :) or is it :(,,,,ahhhh heck :)
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OK guys, this is getting long & redundant, I think it's a safe bet that we all feel that we won't get to stimulated, that said I'm going to lock this up. Greg
"If I can't fix it, I can screw it up so bad no one else can either."