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RE: Spring Garden and Landscape Projects!

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:28 pm
by happysmyly
Yanita - for the plant exchanges - the one that I heard about was in Yahoo Groups--Plantswap. It is a public group that has been recommended to me... I'll be trying it out soon :D

A quick search just now - I also found a Yahoo group called "gardenmessenger" - which is a 'membership required' group (usually just means you need to sign up--to decrease their spam) and they seem to be a global group - which could be quite fun if you are into exotic plants.

I also found one that is just for those that are in or around Houston, TX...

I am hoping to find some gardeners in my area - or at least others dealing with the same problems (caliche, high winds, etc.). Enjoy exchanging with others!!
:) Liz

RE: Spring Garden and Landscape Projects!

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:58 pm
by Maureen
I saw the messages posted of the last few days, was a bit under the weather. My annual Spring bug LOL!

Yanita, I never gave that any thought at all about the plants being planted the same way they grew. But, out here there is nothing in the wild to plant but sage brush, and I still kill that yearly! I know, it's our state flower, or plant, or whatever... but I'm allergic to them! I've got six of them, that's more than enough!

Liz, I live in the high desert like you. Northern Nevada. It's hard to grow anything, and it takes a lot of work on your part! If your neighbors are kind enough to give you plants, then all they need is TLC on your part until they're established. Most of my plants I bought online or at the box stores.

There were a few factors that I considered before purchasing plants. First, I'm a native to this area, so I know what's native and grows well. Second, don't place junipers or spruces close to your home, that's major fuel for a fire. We have many evergreens, spruces and junipers, but they are at least 30 feet from the home. I know, it's not pretty in the Winter, but overall, it's a better choice! If you want green next to your home, try holly, and then keep it trimmed real well. It will stay green throughout the year.

Due to work, I haven's had much time to play in the yard in the last few years. Other things we have done, is create a xeroscape to use less water and we, or I have a drip system installed around everything.

Maureen 8)

RE: Spring Garden and Landscape Projects!

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 8:37 am
by Sylvia
Yesterday I planted a columbine plant. As I was planting it I realized it was the 8th anniversary of Columbine. I also planted salvia and lavendar.

I did get some of the leaves racked out from around the beds. The dogs next door barked every second. :x

RE: Spring Garden and Landscape Projects!

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:49 am
by busybee1952
I was able to get some free landscaping plants on my local chapter of freecycle. That might be a good source for others of you who want to increase your variety.

I'm still trying to figure out a cheap way to build something I can haul behind the lawn tractor which will even out the spots where the tunnels were dug for the electric and phone lines. Anyone have any ideas?

RE: Spring Garden and Landscape Projects!

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:35 pm
by Yanita
Hey Busybee,

In a rush right now, but to even out landscape and pull up small weeds we have pullled a twin size metal mattress spring behind the lawn and garden tractor, have also used a section of chain link fence.


RE: Spring Garden and Landscape Projects!

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:08 pm
by busybee1952
Thanks Yanita. I've heard of using mattress springs and pieces of chain link fencing before but unfortunately, I don't have either of those around. Maybe I should check on freecycle. Or maybe I could just haul some sand from the pond to the low spots.

RE: Spring Garden and Landscape Projects!

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 9:18 pm
by Yanita
Hi Busybee,

I absolutely love Freecycle! I have gotten several great things from our area and have given away as much. This past weekend was a Freecycle yardsale! Drop off what you want to give away and simply take what you wanted! Just a thought but do you have recycle centers, might find something there.

Do you have a local Goodwill, Salvation Army or Habitat for Humanity? These to are great places to get those odd items.

We have also used sand to fill in some real small low areas. We only put down very small amounts and let the grass continue to grow and then awhile latter add some more sand. So far it has worked great.

LOL, I was wondering where you went, you have not posted in awhile. Glad to see you are still with us! :D

I am going to lock this thread off as it is real long, but please start another, LOL, I will follow you there. Just tired of the scrolling threw this one.

Have a great night!
