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Re: 1988 Prestige 16x60 water pipes leaking

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:17 pm
by Brenda (OHIO)
in case it wasn't obvious...

you take the brush off of the pole to use it! It can be washed up and bent back in shape and used to clean ceiling fan blades again in the

Brenda (OHIO)

Re: 1988 Prestige 16x60 water pipes leaking

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 6:05 am
by homebuff
Thank's Brenda!
Found out it wasn't cat dropping after all. While I was cleaning the ducts out.
It must have been just debris from when the Wife was cleaning the floors & somehow some of it fell into the vents over time. Some was old slmall dog food chunks.

Did alot of heavy scraping as far as I could & then swept out what I could. Did have a small amount of water on the bottom. Plan on getting under the trl. soon & check the A-Coil drain pipe for partial restriction. The rest of the cleaning that needs to be done will have to be done by a professional. I'll try the mirror method soon.

I don't believe cats were in the ducts cause my wife would have heard them & the smell would have been terrible, & I know how bad cat droppings would have been cause I smell it all the time out under the porch alot & need to get that cleaned up soon. I smell Roach dropping all through the house, like behind the fridge & behind the baseboards & cabinets. The small roaches have become diminished some from killing them out little by little. Had a post about them here but that's another subject I won't get into.

Appreciate all ya'lls help & advice & I thank you all.