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Re: Residing and Insulating outer walls

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:15 pm
by Brenda (OH)
air flow... wondering.... you haven't changed anything that could affect the return air flow?

not put in doors that go clear to the carpet with no gap, or blocked a return air duct?

just one more idea to check out!

Brenda (OH)

Re: Residing and Insulating outer walls

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:43 pm
by Melitta
Ha,ha!! Brenda funny you should mention that, we actually DID put in 2 doors that went all the way to the carpet. They were that way for several years. We figured out that was a no-no about a month ago. Yeah, we are slow learners. DOH! We fixed the doors, but still don't seem to have the air flow we should. I am beginning to think that our problem may just be the humidity. We cooled down last week to around 90-94 and the humidity was way low. The AC didn't seem to run as much, even though it was still hot. Does anyone know how the humidity affects the AC?

Re: Residing and Insulating outer walls

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:43 pm
by Robert
Humidity will make home hot and a/c must run to remove the humidity.


Re: Residing and Insulating outer walls

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:35 pm
by Melitta
Thank you! I am thinking, while I don't feel we have the air flow we should have, I think the humidity is what is causing the AC to run all the time. Today is 100, but feels like 108-110. LOTS of humidity in the air. Last week when we had a little "cold" front and the house actually cooled down lower than the AC was set at over night. I had it set for 79, the house cooled to 77, BUT it was 62 outside. So, when the humidity is high, does that mean we are having a lot of the outside air penetrate into the house? Since the kids are in school, the house is usually locked up all day, so no outside doors opening and of course no windows open...but the humidity has to be coming in from somewhere right? But, then that doesn't make since, otherwise wouldn't the house have cooled down way more than 77 when it was 62 outside? BLAH...this whole thing is driving me crazy. LOL. Thanks to all who have put up with and tried to help me with my never ending frustration with this AC system. Maybe we just need to move to Alaska. LOL.

Re: Residing and Insulating outer walls

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:58 pm
by Robert
Hard to say without being there. However, a qualified hvac tech should be able to determine the problem(s) here with some tests of system and cyles.
