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Re: Corrugated metal ceiling

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:24 pm
by asa
Thank you, opinion free.

To tell you the truth, we are so tired of this reno. We've spent twice what we planned and had some major expenses in other areas, too, so money wise, we have to get done. Plus, we are just tired of the work. Due to budget (again), we've done every bit of it aside from having someone look at the gas furnace. Some things have been harder just due to our lack of experience, and some have been hard due to lack of squareness and some enthusiastic staplers! There was no expense spared on those staples! Not only that, but the past two weekends, we've been dealing with a skunk that got under the house and sprayed! I am hoping we are about down to the last 2 months!

Re: Corrugated metal ceiling

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 3:36 pm
by opinion free
Ahhh, the final stretch frustrations. I may not know a hammer from a handlebar, but I and everyone else, understand what your feeling. It will all be finished soon enough and life will return to normal. Best of all, you'll have a beautiful place to call home.
Don't forget to laugh, it helps a lot.
Good luck.