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RE: homeowners insurance

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:13 pm
by Harry

We exchanged singing Valentines Day cards. And I got a 10 x 12 mushy plaque for the wall.

We're going to travel into the city on Monday to Outback Steak House.......her favorite. Too crowded for us Thursday night.

How'd you do?


RE: homeowners insurance

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 1:27 am
by texasprairierose

We were out of town and we drove home yesterday. My husband left several cards in the hotel room for me to find when I got up! We don't fight the crowds on Valentine's Day anymore...I fixed a nice dinner tonight and baked some low fat cupcakes...that was the extent of our Valentine's! I'm not a jewelry person and after 26 years of marriage, I have finally got my husband trained to not buy roses :lol: However, we are going to Lowe's tomorrow to look at buying new luxury vinyl tile since they are having a sale!

Enjoy the Outback!

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 6:14 pm
by homebuff
Well all you talking about this ins. makes me want to get ins. for our trlr. We have not had any ins. on our trlr. since we owned it & have so far been lucky cause we live right in the heart of tornado alley of south eastern okla. I am a AARP member & I am going to check on a quote soon, very soon!

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:51 pm
by chasMB
chasMB wrote:She just got the ins. renewal for this place, Not bad $1200 a year, New policy with this company (American Family Home), Just no flood insurance. We are too close to the coast and too high of an elevation to ever get a flood here. You have to go to a 500 year flood projection for us to get water a foot deep. Any "flood damage" we ever get will be hurricane related and we have that plus wind damage.

I was wrong it does have flood insurance. American Family Home is the company.

RE: homeowners insurance

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:38 am
by Kristi1
I use Allstate for my complete home owners insurance, I use them also for my 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee, I get a discount for having two accounts at Allstate Insurance!

Warm Wishes Everyone,


RE: homeowners insurance

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 10:30 am
by Sylvia
It's going to depend a lot in Texas what county you live in. Harris county is hard to get ho insurance in. Not sure where you live though.

RE: homeowners insurance

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 10:40 am
by Koiflowers
Sylvia - I was curious, do you think Harris County is penalized because of its sudden increase in crime? A news report said that violent crime in Houston increased almost 25% after Hurricane Katrina and continues to persist. They attributed the increase to relocation of New Orleans' residents to Houston after the storm. Report said Houston got the good people of New Orleans, but unfortunately also the crime element.

When I applied for insurance in rural Polk County, Texas, I was penalized for a break-in in Washington, D.C. area that I filed a claim on. Seemed unfair since I now live 1500 miles away from that high-crime area. Ins. co. said a claim is a claim.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 7:08 am
by Sylvia
I believe because Harris County is prone to flooding. Some of it, from what I understand is below sea level.

Any time you have a claim it will affect your rate on auto insurance minimally for three years and HO insurance can be longer.

It's not so much about the claim itself but the likelihood of you filing additional claims. Statistically once you file a claim you are more likely to file additional claims than someone who is claim free, at least according to accuarial data.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:14 pm
by chasMB
Dear xxx xxxx:

Thank you for inquiring about the Mobile Home Insurance we offer through
our Insurance Service Center. While we do insure mobile homes in your
state, we are not accepting new policies in all areas.

Unfortunately, Horry County is one of those where we are not able to accept
new business. The total number of policies we already insure in the county
has not fallen below the exposure limit where we can begin to accept new
policies. We continue to monitor the number of policies we have in each
area and when we are able , we will allow new policies to be written. In
other words, today we are not accepting new policies in North Myrtle Beach,
but there is a possibility we will in the future.


Insurance Service Center
Foremost Insurance

Above is the reply she got from them....