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Rip out the garden tub?

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:01 pm
by nestsman
My mobile home has a garden tub but I'm not a big fan of taking baths as I prefer showers. Is it even possible to rip one of these things out once they are put in? I'm guessing they were installed before the roof was added at the factory. Maybe I could put some nice storage containers in place of the tub.

Re: Rip out the garden tub?

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:52 pm
by 1987Commodore
It has been done. You may have to cut up the old one to get it out.

Re: Rip out the garden tub?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 12:58 am
by JD
Sure, any tub can be pulled and replaced. How much additional work involved depends on your layout. You may need to replace floor covering, change a wall, probably reroute the supply plumbing and definitely the drain plumbing. This can be a pretty big job for the uninitiated, but certainly doable. Carrying the tub out in one piece can be done. Lift it up end to end and it is a 24x60 and will go down most halls. I never salvage them though, so they usually come out with a sawzall. At the very least, I will cut around the drain, lift it out and take it outside. This makes it easier to work the drain, since I am moving that plumbing anyways.

Re: Rip out the garden tub?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:16 am
by terrifromohio
I am in the process of moving into my mothers old mobile home. It has a garden tub that I was not a fan of. It is already coming out. I had the plumber come and cap off the the water lines and there were 4 screws to pull the whole thing up out of the opening.
There is a small whole in the floor where the drain was that will have to be patched and then I am going to leave the area open and tile over it.
Also a little demo to get out the wood around where the tub sat in but nothing that hard. I too am not a big fan a sitting in the tub and our water bills are are sky high, it would cost a fortune to fill the thing up.

Re: Rip out the garden tub?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 10:04 pm
by KLBoldon
Toughest part of removing mine was where they has screwed down the pump platform..., other than that it was a piece of cake, luckily I had a 30in. door on one side of the bathroom and to boot i actually sold mine on craigslist for some extra cash!! :D