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Before we cut a hole.....

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:51 am
by LisaBoyer
Hi all.

We are getting estimates from contractors to install a large window in the one side of the house that doesn't have any (just a small bathroom window). It's a double wide, all except the bathroom window are on the longer sides, but we feel one at the end would allow better air flow.

My question, is, will this compromise the structure? Is there a reason they don't put large windows at the ends? I included a pic, in case I didn't describe it well enough. The window would be about where the tomato plant is...

The two contractors we have had out so far, have not worked on mobile homes, and while neither seemed to think it would be a problem down the road, I wanted to ask people who knew about structure on these things. We live in a canyon, and the wind gets VERY strong, (not uncommon for 50mph), this side of the house takes the full force of that wind.

Re: Before we cut a hole.....

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:08 am
by 1987Commodore
I don't think there should be an issue, as long as they frame it properly. Since the wind/rain comes from that end, they will really have to do a good flashing job.

Re: Before we cut a hole.....

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 5:05 pm
by Greg
Make sure it is properly framed to support the snow load on the roof. You may also want to add parameter blocking under the window to add support.

As for the wind load, I would put that on the window manufacturer so check their specifications.


Re: Before we cut a hole.....

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 6:41 pm
by HouseMedic
If that is T-111 siding I would have then remove it completely where they are going to put the window, that way they can frame it up the right way and reinstall the T-111 when they are done framing it out then cut the window section out of the T-111. It should come off from the bottom up until the part where you see the 1x2 going horizontal where the color changes to dark grey. Make sure they use the right size header for the window they are installing.


Re: Before we cut a hole.....

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:01 pm
by countrydan
If it were me I would be hesitant to add openings where the factory didn't put them without consulting an engineer.

Maybe I'm wrong but it would be a few hundred bucks for a strucutral engineer and piece of mind...