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Mice in the wall

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 12:41 am
by RickW
I can hear a chewing noise in my wall which is why I am writing this right now. Not sure if it is a mouse or what. What do I do? Do I have to rip open the wall? It sounds like its in the middle of my bedroom wall. I banged the wall and it stops but then starts up again in 10 minutes.

Re: Mice in the wall

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 7:13 am
by Greg
An ounce of prevention... Your skirting needs to be 100% tight with NO holes.
There are no easy ways to chase a critter out once it makes a home in your home. One thing you really don't want to do is use a poison. they die in the wall or belly and then the stench lasts for a week or two.

If it is any help to you, I have the same issue here. We just moved the home and something got in before the skirting went on, A work still in progress.


Re: Mice in the wall

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 8:27 am
by ponch37300
Mice are no fun! I've had them in the garage before and they get into all sorts of things. I've always had good luck with the old fashioned spring traps. Mice run along the wall or edge of something so set the traps along the skirting on the inside so when they are following the skirting they should cross a trap. Place a ton of them, they are cheap. The mouse should have to come out for food so if you set up enough traps you should be able to catch them. You want to do it sooner then later because he is building a nest in your wall and chewing apart insulation and what not.

Then as Greg mentioned make sure everything is sealed up tight. Mice can fit threw some ity bity holes.

Re: Mice in the wall

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 8:53 am
by Greg S
I have always had excellent results with rat poison and believe that every mobile home should always have it placed outside under the home at all times.
After placing poison I have not seen a single mouse even in the vicinity of my place nor have I ever had any oder issues.
Traps are fine but are a rection to an existing problem as opposed to a preventative solution. With poison under the home it cleared the area around the property and carcases are never a issue. The most you will find is a dried out puff of mouse hair. If they are already in the house trapping will eliminate some mice but prevention is still the best solution.

Poison is controversial but is both easy and thorough as well as being a invisible ongoing deterrent as opposed to dealing with the issue only after it has become a problem. Prevention as opposed to reaction.

Re: Mice in the wall

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:54 pm
by HouseMedic
Some of the poisons like Decon use a product made by ICI / Astra Zenica and it will kill the mouse and then it has an agent in it that helps dry out the carcase so it wont smell. But I still prefer spring traps when you have a problem. That way you can see what you are getting. I once saw just one mouse in my basement of my regular house and never seen any droppings anywhere and when I set a trap I got him right away so I reset it just to make sure there was no more and to my amazement by the end of the week I had seventeen yes that's right (17) and not once did I even see anything. You just never know what you have.


Re: Mice in the wall

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 4:48 pm
by Mark440
Of all the things that have happened out here in the sticks - MICE are definitely the most annoying and destructive. Squirrels rate #1 in destructive - but not as annoying. (If you need a good chuckle, check out the 'squirrel launch' vids on youtube!)

Traps seem to be effective at eliminating them - but does little to roll up the welcome mat. Once they are in - killing them is only half the solution.

The different poisons work but you either end up with a dead one in the wall or, in my case, dead ones in the dog's water trough. I haven't used the poison since.

And, by far, the most effective means to eliminate mice without poison or traps - is a good ol' snake. Quiet, efficient, non-destructive, and they leave no mess. I don't much care for snakes (see previous posts about monsters under the house) but hearing mice scratch and claw is pure aggravation and annoyance. I used to whack the snakes with an ax, but after actually seeing a 5 footer snag a mouse, well it was one of those times when you have to admit that mother nature beats all. :)

Re: Mice in the wall

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:49 pm
by countrydan
i would agree with the snap traps. Use the best available- victor brand. Put crunchy peanut butter on the end and set out many all over the house against the walls or in the floor cabinets (leave the doors open). Ive gotten 11 this way. Then i pulled up carpet and found the old owners liked to make holes all over the dang place for wire or whatnot. Seal up the holes in the house and outside as best you can. you can always try the maine mouse' eh bucket trap as I was gonna buy it but for the price the snap traps worked great..

good luck.

Re: Mice in the wall

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:51 pm
by bobfather99
Mouse traps and either peanut butter or cheese. Repeat as necessary to get the job done.

Re: Mice in the wall

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 5:51 pm
by Greg S
Definitely use the traps but put the poison under the home to make sure you do not have any mice in the future.

Re: Mice in the wall

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 6:39 am
by Steve S.
Victor snap traps used to work for me before I acquired a cat. I haven't seen a mouse anywhere near my house since. I also try to keep the lawn mowed and eliminate piles of brush to help keep the vermin down. I recently had a chipmunk get inside my living room wall...I just let the cat loose under the home for awhile, and now, no more chipmunk! They may not catch the vermin, but their presence is one hell of a deterrent as they are constantly in "hunt mode". I also have a wood pile under the deck which houses some garter snakes...I just hope I never get one of those in the house, but at least they don't gnaw inside walls :wink:

Re: Mice in the wall

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 2:35 pm
by Deno505012009

You could also use a pop can instead of plastic pop bottle. I'd drill holes through the 5 gal bucket about an inch down the side and then mount it. I made this for some friends at our campground that were always getting mice in their trailer. They had 12 dead ones in the bucket after checking it 3 months after they closed for the season!

Just with any chemicals or poisons-----if you have pets be very wary of using poisons, antifreeze etc or make it virtually impossible for them to access these traps with chemicals in them!

Re: Mice in the wall

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:31 pm
by Norm Frechette

no more mice in my area

Re: Mice in the wall

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:37 am
by calderhill
Norm has the best idea. No one I know in this park has a cat but there are a number of feral cats, huge bundles of fur this time of year. I leave a space, almost like a pet door, in my skirting for them to slip in and out of. Never seen signs of any other ground animals in the vicinity.

Re: Mice in the wall

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:45 am
by Greg S
Just a word of warning, mice carry flees and cats will get flees from mice. Cats also tend to cause a stink when they turn your gardens or under your home into a litter box.
If cats are catching mice and are allowed under, or into, your home it is possible for the flees to migrate into your home.
As suggested it is best to keep your property clear of all brush and debris to discourage rodents from making your lot a home.
Also if you have snakes in the area they are by far a better rodent deterrent than cats.

Re: Mice in the wall

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 7:38 am
by Norm Frechette
and i'm sure theres probably a negative comment regarding snakes and then everything else