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Ugly roof!

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 2:17 pm
by calderhill
I'm renovating this ancient trailer. It came with a new rubber roof. I need ideas on hiding the ugly edges of the roof. I have ideas but they aren't practical. Before you say "gutters", think about it.Thanks to all the people of vision that answer. :mrgreen:

Re: Ugly roof!

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 6:20 pm
by JD
That is an ugly roof! i see fasteners going through the rubber sheet to hold down the edge and I see no termination bar. The termination bar should be the edge of the roof you see. While this is not pretty by any stretch, it at least looks finished and is a necessary step in the installation. I really doubt that the fasteners will hold down that roof for very long. As the dark roof material expands and contracts, it will wear out the nail holes and before you know it, everything is coming unbuttoned.

A termination bar can still be installed at this point, but I would want to do something about all the fastener holes. What ever you use on that roof for cleaner or sealant must be compatible with the type of rubber material you have. Many common cleaners and sealants are destructive to this type of roof material. I am not positive, but I am pretty sure you have an EPDM rubber roof. If so, I would look at Liquid Rubber roof coating - ... QgodchoAvw If you wanted the best repair, patching over each hole with Eternabond Web Seal, then coating that with the liquid rubber would make the best repair I can think of - The Web seal has a cloth top surface that allows the liquid rubber to really get a hold of the tape. Eternabond also makes a tape they call Roof Seal, which does not require a coating. While this would be the easiest repair, I have my doubts how long it would last in just small pieces like that. To save money, you could use the inexpensive poly roof tape that Liquid Rubber people sell. Actually, this should work well, but I have always relied on Eternabond.

Re: Ugly roof!

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:51 pm
by calderhill
Thanks JD. A true man of vision. Or is that a man of true vision. Yes, that is an EPDM roof. I have no idea what a "termination bar" is. Hopefully it is something whereby I will end up with a straight looking line without nail heads.