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Repair Skirting around "penetrations"

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:53 pm
by mh_doni49
At the locations where "things" penetrate the skirting (such as the freon pipe leading to/from the AC condenser and the related electrical connection), someone made huge cuts in the skirting. I understand WHY they had to cut it, but the way in which they cut it looks really bad and allows air/animals to get underneath.

What's the best way of repairing these cuts?


Re: Repair Skirting around "penetrations"

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 9:27 am
by Greg
Don, If they just made a hole with a slot to slip the section of skirt in place you may be able to fit a second piece over it to dress it up. If you have more skirting (or run and buy a section of vinyl) you can take you time and cut a circle that will cover the hole and pop rivet or screw it in place. You can do the same for the slot that was cut also or work from the back side to hide the new piece since it will just be there to hold the two sides together.

If you can add some pictures that will help so we can see what you are dealing with.
