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Heating Ducts

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:51 pm
by Cbierwiler
This the view of our heating duct from the register opening in our spare bedroom. Does it look like this is the crossover attachment point? There is never any warm air coming from this vent and i am trying to figure out why. The other registers all look like the regular heat vent not the flex ones. This bedroom is furthest from the furnace as well. If i go to the living room and shoot a picture in the vent aimed towards this one, it looks like there is a blockage in the duct but i am not sure if its supposed to be there or an animal got it. I wont be able to really do alot until spring time as we have minus temps now but we have a new baby coming in June so i want the heat working right for next winter.


Re: Heating Ducts

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 4:08 pm
by JD
When you are able to get down there and inspect, you'll find your blockage if there is one. This looks more like a repair. Maybe critters got to the original duct and this is what it was replaced with. A duct with smooth wall linings would help get more heat into this room but you may need to do more than that to get enough heat for freezing winters. Reducing the flow through the other floor registers may help equalize flow to this room. You definitely want to be sure that all of the duct is intact and not losing your heat.