Read the directions!

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Replaced a garbage disposal unit not too long back. First time I've ever done it, but it looked simple enough. WRONG. After replacing the unit, my daughter loaded the dish-washer and turned it on and walked away. Couple hours latter I go to the kitchen to grab a beer and there is water all over the floor and cabinet :shock:
I, being clueless sometimes, tell the family to not worry about it and just wipe up the water if it happened again. They were going out of town that weekend and I would get it figured out.
Well the following Saturday, I loaded the dish washer and, being the genius that I am, I ran it. I happened to be in the kitchen when the washer started to drain and was amazed to see the geyser of water coming out of the relief valve(?) next to the faucet. The next day my contractor came to finish up some work so I explained my problem to him and he laughed so hard at me it kind of got me mad. Then he told me about the knock-out plug where the dish washer drain hooks up to the disposer and handed me a drift and hammer to knock it out. Magically all fixed!
The story of how a $90 disposer replacement turns into replacing a couple grand worth of counter-top in the not-so-distant future.
Moral of the story- read the directions if you have not done it before :oops:
The End
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Usually the big question I get asked about garbage disposals is how to remove them from the sink. Not always as clear as it looks as on some models, you think you turn ring A, and it's actually ring B (or something like that).

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Sorry to hear about your troubles, not once, but twice...make certain to keep and eye on your floors now!

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Hi fishboy,

Now, I'm laughing with you, not at you!

The first garbage disposal we had to replace Warren decided that he could do it, no problem! Ryan was about 3 at the time. I was out of town. He decided to change out the faucet that was horrible at the same time.

By the time I got home, the kitchen had been flooded 3 times and Warren was pulling his hair out! I had a mess in the kitchen. Luckily, we were in a stick built and didn't have to worry about particle board subfloors.

Yep, he forgot to knock out the drain hole on the garbage disposer! It took me a good part of the next morning to fix his mess with the plumbing and then clean the kitchen. No major damage was done.

I just replaced our disposal here about 8 months ago. Ryan was helping me. The first thing he did was pull out the instructions and make sure that I knocked out that plug LOL!

Everything is a learning experience. Don't kick yourself too badly. We've all made mistakes. In our case, Warren was banned from home repair! He looks for a screw driver and we all cringe these days!

Yep, if you're not sure, read directions, or post the question here on the board!

Hang in there!

Maureen 8)
Never discourage anyone...who continually makes progress, no matter how slow.

I was composing a reply and something weird happened. My reply disappeared :? Anyhow, wet floors dried with towels does not equal safety.
A now-warped kitchen counter begs replacement and who knows about the sub-floor. our linoleum floor is supposedly wall-to-wall (under the cabinets) which may save us.
We wanted to re-do the kitchen but we want it at our own time of choosing, but any damage from this incident will be the deciding factor.
I expected more laughter and ribbing :lol: :lol: :lol: so I guess I should thank all for the sympathy! :D :D :D