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Plumbing Drain Problem

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:27 am
by Guest
Ok, I'm going to try and not make this sound like a riddle... My washer, toilet, and bathtub are all in the bathroom. The toilet works just fine all the time. The bathtub drains ok, but air bubbles come up the toilet while it is doing so. When the washer drains, all the wash water comes up in the bathtub and then slowly drains while the washer is refilling.

Any ideas please?

RE: Plumbing Drain Problem

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:03 am
by mokehillannie
Plugged vent??

RE: Plumbing Drain Problem

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:05 am
by Guest
Based on other things I have read, this seems like a possibility. Problem is, I don't know where that vent could be if it exists at all.

RE: Plumbing Drain Problem

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:12 pm
by Maureen

This is one of those questions that is easier to answer if we have a profile to refer to.

You have to have a vent, it's code. Where it's located depends on your home. You may have a roof vent or a check vent in an access door somewhere.

With a little more info about your home, at least the age, one of us can answer your question. If you have a roof vent, it will be located above the bathroom, on the roof of the home.

This does sound like a plugged vent. It's a pretty easy fix, with either vent.

Maureen 8)

RE: Plumbing Drain Problem

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 12:06 am
by Guest
The home is a 1965 and there is a vent on the roof directly above the bathroom. How do I unplug it?

RE: Plumbing Drain Problem

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 1:26 am
by altasnowman
Hi, quickest way to find out if stack is plugged is to go up on roof (take a piece of 3/4 ply to stand on if it is a tin flat roof 4X8) and using a 10-12 ft length of fish tape probe down the stack if you encounter something that stops the fish tape mark your fish tape and withdraw the tape from stack. measure this length of the tape from your mark to the end and then you can go inside and locate the stack pipe and cut just below the point you meet the resistance. you should have enough room to move the stack away from the cut and using a nail puller or something with a hook on it to remove the blockage. You will also have to have a coupler and glue to rejoin the pipe after you clean out the blockage, and also don't forget to reseal stack at roof line again as by moving it you will break the seal at the roof line. just my 2 cents worth.

RE: Plumbing Drain Problem

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 1:28 am
by Guest
Hi, I had the same problem your main drainage pipe is becoming partially clog it will eventually get worse, that's why it's coming up through the bathtub it can't drain fast enough, run a snake through the main pipe should fix this.

RE: Plumbing Drain Problem

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:27 am
by bkbunny
when I moved in here after 3 months I had everything happening as you. It was the main line leading to the outside line. Snaking wasn't possible but, lady inhardware store told me about a
Kong, its a thing you hook to your hose and put in drain it worked like magic, it cost 8 bucks a best investment i ever brought lol
when g''kids decide to empty bird seed in sink or other things lol
;you hook that baby up place and whoosh out it all goes the best thing about it I CAN DO IT MYSELF!!! don't have to bother anyone to help me.
and , I have had so many folks borrow it and they always return it so they don't lose it and know where its at when they need to borrow it again. if your wondering why they all don't get their own well they fly off the shelf here fast and the old lady won't order them often.