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Raised Threshold on Entry Door: Tripping Hazard

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:03 am
by Denison
I think all MH entry doors are installed on top of the flooring. Right? Main offender is 2" high above my floor and 8" to the outside. So I worry about safety of all guests and would like suggestions on how to eliminate the raised threshold. Especially anyone who has done it before. My guess is a replacement door is one way. If that's the only way, what is the process to recess the threshold? Is doing so creating a water infiltration issue?

Re: Raised Threshold on Entry Door: Tripping Hazard

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:59 pm
by HouseMedic
Actually all doors are placed on the sub floor. Most doors purchased today are pre hung units and they have at least a 1 1/2" think threashold on them. It is so it can clear flooring and carpet but sometimes when there is vinyl or tile inside there is always a little lip to step over. If the threshold is sticking out 8" then someone put something in wrong or used the wrong size jam size.
