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Look what was walking towards my garden...

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:04 am
by klm9707

First time for me to post a pic so hope I do this OK. There was a bear headed right for my garden! Pic is not the best quality because I took it with my cell phone that for some reason I had set on b/w but he didn't stick around long enough to take another one. It just walked on past, across the road and into the brush. Oh ya, that pic was also taken through the storm door... I was afraid to go out! :lol:

RE: Look what was walking towards my garden...

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:11 am
by Yanita
Wow, always best to not challenge a bear...

If he was in my yard he could eat anything he wanted!

Great pic for that distance with a cell phone!


RE: Look what was walking towards my garden...

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:08 am
by JD
That's very cool. I have to go camping to see a bear.

RE: Look what was walking towards my garden...

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:51 am
by troyster
Take a ride on the Nass Valley highway JD and you will see not only black bears but grizzlies too right on the side of the road here. Even the bears know we are known for the best salmon fishing on the continent. They love their sockeye.

RE: Look what was walking towards my garden...

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:08 am
by JD
Hey troyster,

Been up 37 as far as Williams Lake a few times. My Dad and I used to take a month long fishing trip out of the Seattle area every couple of years. We would see bear, elk, little wolverine/badger looking things that move too fast to recognize. The most impressive North American animal I have seen in the wild was a moose in BC somewhere in our travels.

We have lot's of black bears in the Sierras where I like to fish. No Grizzleys. I feel safer around berry eaters but I still keep keep a sharp eye out when we are roasting hot dogs. The camp ground bears eat anything but humans it seems.


RE: Look what was walking towards my garden...

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:38 am
by Yanita

When we lived in Vermont behind our home was a mountain. Every spring moose would come down out of the hills and walk across our lawn, nibble on the fresh greenery of the lilac tees and whatever else they thought was good.

Was always fascinated when a big bull would come stormin out. They are intimidating creatures just from there size, but very docile most of the time.

We used to have a cow that used to come out and feed on the dewy grass first thing in the morning, she would graze for awhile, then out would come her calf....really cool to watch from the deck as we were having our morning coffee.

In Northern Vermont we have more Moose Crossing signs than anything else. If ever traveling that way...heed the advice!


RE: Look what was walking towards my garden...

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 4:17 pm
by Harry

We have black bear north of us across the river.

We have lots of deer near the house.



RE: Look what was walking towards my garden...

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:51 pm
by Maureen
Between wild fires and drought, all wild life is getting very common to see in my neck of the woods! Including a lot of bears! Mostly black and brown bears. We also have huge problems with coyotes this year and rattlers. Their habitat has been taken over by fire and us moving into their world out here. They've found bears in down town Carson City and Reno over the last few weeks. They're desperate for water and food! We're like 4 inches behind in rain fall right now for this year.

Large wild life is getting onto the roads and highways and getting killed. I think the last bear hit was 19 for this year. That doesn't include deer or wild horses.

I know I've been very careful in the bushes this year! The rattlers have been hiding in there! I take the long end of the rake and make sure all is well before I mess around with my bushes this year!

Coyotes have been attacking small pets in yards here. Several have been killed. So sad! My dog doesn't go out unless I'm out with him! Of course he's a 160 pound german shepard, but he's old. He's also going a little forgetful on me, he just turned 13. He's been trained to stay away from the snakes, but I don't know if he remembers right now!

JD, take care on those fishing trips these days!

Maureen 8)

RE: Look what was walking towards my garden...

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:35 pm
by klm9707
Maureen, I have been in your part of the country before and think it is beautiful! Our destination is always Vegas but we always take side trips that takes us to various parts of Nevada. Beautiful state. In fact on the last trip there we just couldn't resist stopping at a manufactured home sales to see how they vary from the ones in my part of the country :lol: But I had seen more wild life there on my last trip then ever before. So awesome to see animals that you dint normally see at home. This bear that has been in my yard has also been in my neighbors garbage several times. They can be a pest at times. But nice to see... when I am hiding behind the door!

RE: Look what was walking towards my garden...

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:11 pm
by Maureen
Hi, I'm almost 500 miles from Vegas, way up in the North Western part of the state, at the base of the Sierras. Huge mountains on one side and desert on the other. The Southern part of the state is pretty, I lived in Vegas for 5 years! But I prefer to see a bit more green and my mountains, not the little hills they have down South LOL!

Okay, if the bear is still coming around and he's messing in garbage cans. That's your problem! He's looking for food. You either need to invest in bear proof garbage cans, or call your local wild life agency to relocate him. Bears get really brave very fast! They also have a very good sense of smell! If they can't find anything good in the garbage cans, or they want more, they break into your home to get food!

I'm not kidding at all. We have experienced this in this area for the last 15 to 20 years. At least 6 or 7 bears break into homes to get more food. We had one just last week that had to be shot inside of a home at Incline Village.

They are nice to look at in your yard, or at a distance, but things can turn bad really fast. Call your wildlife agency and inform them that you have a bear near your home. Please secure your garbage also!

Maureen 8)

RE: Look what was walking towards my garden...

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:50 am
by PennylessZ28
Wow that is so cool. That excites me. I wish I lived someplace where I could see wild life come a wondering into my yard.