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Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 5:33 pm
:D Greetings one & all! I'm thrilled to have found this site!! I have been searching for a mobile home, and hoping to find a seller who will go CFD. In the meantime, attempting to learn what I can about them. I need my place HOT and one of my questions is, can I safely use oil radiators (portable, 750, 950 to 1500 watt) or hydrosil (hardwired) heaters without fear of fire?
I'm wondering what the best way to insulate inside & out would be, the correct materials to use and what to do about the windows?
A friend of mine bought a fairly new MH and after living in it for over a year, she & her family were becoming increasingly more ill, and discovered (after tearing the paneling off, etc.) that there was mold everywhere within the walls. (she didn't say whether or not it was black mold) They live in Minnesota & there had been no flooding, however, could a small leak do that? They were forced to move. So, I'm kind of wary about this since it's not gonna be possible to rip the paneling off to check things out before I buy! Lol!
The only MH's I can find within my price range are old and I am uncertain how to proceed. I printed out your guidelines for purchasing a used MH to take along when I go looking, thanks for that!! You have an excellent site here!! Very comprehensive!
I hope I'm not asking too much all at once!

This font is large because I'm visually impaired.

P.S. Does anyone know of any used mobile homes in Park Village in Aberdeen, SD that would sell contract for deed? :D [/b]


Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 5:51 pm
by Greg
Hi & welcome. I'm glad you took the time to read the "buyer's tips" there is a lot of things there for you to check before buying. You may be luckier than you know since the owner of this site lives around the corner from you.
As for a mold problem there are many causes ranging from floods (as you mentioned) to leaking plumbing, roof, window, and door leaks. One of the worst enemies of a mobile home IS moisture.
Heat should not be a problem as long as it is properly installed AND the electric service is large enough to supply it.
I would reccomend having a home you are thinking about buying checked by a proffesional before signing anything. Greg


Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:32 pm
by Maureen
Hi Summer,

Welcome to the forum!

Greg brought up a good point! Any home can have mold if it hasn't been set up correctly, or water leaks have gone unchecked! This holds true for stick built homes as well as ours. You want to look for a good solid home that is level and in excellent condition. They are out there!

We've used the oiled filled heaters as a backup for over 2 years here. We live at the base of the sierra Nevada mountains, in snow country. We haven't had a problem at all. But, we do have 100 amp service. That is the very least you want these days! Ours needs may to be increased, due to our needs. We're waiting for the boys to leave to know exactly what we're looking at. They ship out in 3 weeks to the Army. I'm really looking forward to see how much less electricity we use this Winter! As far as the electric service panel goes though, we may be good with what we have. We have to wait and see! Two teenagers use a lot of electrical devises these days!

Maureen 8)


Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 5:18 pm
Thanks for the feedback! Still looking & finding no one willing to sell CFD. I found one that the buyer would negotiate on, but it was so filthy, may have had bugs and the roof very obviously sagged & looked like damage to the frame. They wanted way too much for such an old trailer that was in such disrepair so I'm still looking.
If anyone here knows of anyone in Aberdeen willing to sell Contract For Deed I would sure appreciate the info!
I thought it would be easy to find a MH as opposed to a house (and I can't afford a house), and it used to be easy & they were affordable but now they're going at a premium! With the beef plant, the flood & college it's really tough to find anything & when ya do, ya call & they've already sold it! Or they're water damaged & the sellar paints over all the water spots and ya walk in & smell paint & MOLD! Aaarrgghhh!
I really appreciate the feedback & am learning a heap about mobile homes that I never knew before on this site! I found this site as I was searching for a MH and this was local so I checked it out! Very kewl!! It's the best site I've found regarding MH's and their repair.
Catch ya later!!

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:05 pm
by Greg
Mark, the owner of this site said in another post that the prices for mobiles have gone out of sight in the area. My advice would be to keep looking and be ready to move fast when you find something. Good luck, Greg