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Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:46 pm
by ladybama2007
ok my furnace and my air are two seperate units but share the same duct work. when i bought the mobile home used the gas company taged it out said they detected carbonmonoxide . they told me to clean the unit which i hired some one to clean it . then they came back and said it still showed carbonmonoxide . we have cleaned it a second time and took the burner out and had it check . my question is what would cause the carbonmonoxide reading in the vents? and how do i fix it ? i am trtying to repair this myself because i am on a fixed income right now. please i would be gratefull for any help on this matter . it got really cold in here last winter.
kathy :)

RE: carbonmonoxide

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:54 pm
by hvac1000
More than likely you have a crack in the furnace heat exchanger. No actual fix except to replace the furnace. NOTE This is a very dangerous situation. Please replace before winter.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:57 pm
by ladybama2007
thank you. but is there any way to remove the heat exchanger and check it for cracks or holes?

RE: carbonmonoxide

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:39 pm
by hvac1000
It is not as simple as looking for a crack. Sometimes the crack will not show until the heat exchanger is heated up as if the unit was heating your home. It is kind of hard to run the furnace when it is torn apart looking for the crack to start with.

There are special tools (meters,gauges) that can sense a CO leak while the unit is running but they are expensive to buy and you need proper training to use the tools to start with.

I do not know if you have other family members that live with you or not but I would not sacrifice a life because I was to cheap to call a professional to have them do a complete check of your furnace to make sure it is safe for the winter.

Many times you cannot buy a heat exchanger anyway if the one you have is defective. Manufactures do not keep a large stock of heat exchangers for older furnaces so if yours is defective you will end up probably buying a new furnace because the heat exchanger is NLA (No Longer Available).

You can also not repair the heat exchanger you have. That is against all laws of common sense. Once a heat exchanger cracks or has a hole in it the metal is fatigued and no matter how you try and patch it it will just crack around the patch and cause a bigger problem than what you had to start with.

The problem you face is not new for home owners. Lack of money is every ones problem today. But will you let the lack of money kill you or one of your love ones? I hope not!

This is not a do it yourself repair I am sorry to say and since this is a sensitive subject on this board I will have no more to say on the subject except this last warning.

CO is a colorless,odorless poisonous gas by product of the combustion of fossil fuels (gas, oil, and coal/wood) It will not wake you up before it kills you in your sleep. It gives no real warning signs most of the time and by the time you do have symptoms you are usually to weak to save yourself or a loved one. Story's abound in the news paper and TV every year of people dying from this problem.

A few real storys for you to read. ... 8810.shtml ... uses/5550/

Call a qualified contractor to check your furnace before you kill someone!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:11 pm
by ladybama2007
thanks for the info . and just for the sake of letting you know i am not stupid the furnace has not and will not be used til i can afford to fix it or get a new one. and as for the money i got injured on my job and after my surgery i have nerve damage so. untill i get thru with all the medical things i only can live week to week so if i have to use my electric heaters again this year so be it.

RE: carbonmonoxide

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 12:42 am
by hvac1000
((i am trtying to repair this myself because i am on a fixed income right now. ))

This is why I responded to your question the way I did. I wanted to make sure you got the message that it was not a do it yourself project and it seems from your last reply you now understand. Hope you feel better.