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Shower stall recomendations

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:27 am
by Lorne
I have a typical telephone booth shower that you step UP into it and then down to the bottom a couple of inches. Great for tripping when leaving the shower. 28x29 inches of usable space. If I bend forward to wash my foot my head hits the wall.
If I passed out I would remain standing.

I removed the glass door and put up a curtain so my elbow wouldn't bang the glass.

I see that Lasco has sectional, 2 and 3 piece shower units with a seat that are around 36"x48" which would be perfect.

I really wanted a floor level, tiled, walk-in shower, but it would cost a couple of thousand too much.

Can you recommend any other companies that make a good sectional shower?

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 9:03 am
by Greg
Lorne, The best advice I can give you is to shop around and see what is out there. Are you planning on doing the work yourself, or have it done? One other thing to remember is that you have to be able to get the unit INTO the bathroom. I am changing the tub in our extra bath and the way it is configured I had all I could do just to get the sheetrock in. Greg

RE: Shower stall recomendations

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:48 am
by JD
Hi Lorne,

Lasco is a pretty common name in the enclosure business. Sterling, American Standard, Kohler & Swanstone are the bigger names that come to mind. You will find different stores will carry different manufacturers.

You can pick up a couple of inches on your existing shower by replacing the enclosure walls with flat shower/bath panels.


RE: Shower stall recomendations

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 2:46 pm
by Lorne
Greg and JD.
The present shower is a one-piece unit and will have to be sawed in half to remove.
This I will enjoy. [It's cutting time again].

The bathroom is barely 8Ft square.
I may start to demolish it myself as long as I can shut off the water underneath first. May have to have extra shutoff's installed.

My mind tells me I can do it all myself, but my body doesn't play well.

At the speed that our 3 local guys work they would do it in one day.
They do not take breaks either, Only lunch. Can you believe that?
I'll check out your recommendations.
Thanks all.

RE: Shower stall recomendations

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 10:12 pm
by Maureen
Hi Lorne,

I fully understand the shower issue! We have the same shower in the guest/boy bath room. I absolutely hate it, but it was seldom used before we moved in. Even after 8 years, it's still in great shape except for the door. That now needs to be replaced. One of the boys is about 6'4" and weighs a good 200 pounds. He can't wash anything without popping that door open! I've tightened the latch, did no good. It's a cheap mobile home shower door.

Since this will be a true guest bath in two weeks, we aren't going to change anything except the door. No real need to. But, before the boys joined the Army, I was looking. One thing I would keep is the step in shower in our homes. The reason for this is simple, to keep the water in the shower stall. As you know, water is our homes worst enemy! I'd keep at least a small lip on the shower pan. It just might save you money down the road!

Walk in showers are nice, but most are set in cement bases. That won't work in our homes. There is no way the cement will will stay intact for any real length of time. Then you still have to make sure that the water stays in the unit.

In my opinion, give yourself the larger shower, just make sure it has a lip on the shower pan.

Maureen 8)

RE: Shower stall recomendations

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:17 am
by Lorne
So, I guess the saying is true that Loose lips sink ships.

I wish those TV do it yourself shows would show how the other half lives on the other side of the tracks.

The bathroom will have to wait till next year I guess.

Thanks for the words of advise.

Re: RE: Shower stall recomendations

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:02 am
by dandjbarrett
Lorne wrote:So, I guess the saying is true that Loose lips sink ships.

I wish those TV do it yourself shows would show how the other half lives on the other side of the tracks.

The bathroom will have to wait till next year I guess.

Thanks for the words of advise.
^^ I totally agree. I'd love to see a do it yourself TV program exclusively about mobile home repair.

RE: Shower stall recomendations

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:17 pm
by Lorne
It would be interesting, but might be too scary because of moldy and rotted area. It would be rate "R" for rot.

It might get a lot of viewers once the word got around. This site might have something like U-Tube, but for only repairs and video help.

I for one would be an avid viewer.

They could call it "This old Trailer" and mark could do the narration.
Something to think about.

RE: Shower stall recomendations

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:39 pm
by HouseMedic
Here you go..............................


RE: Shower stall recomendations

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:19 pm
by Lorne
And they ain't actin neather.
Just another "Reality" show ,I guess.

RE: Shower stall recomendations

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:20 pm
by Maureen
The subject of mobile home repair shows have come up on the forum numerous times over the years! It would be an awesome sight to see. Mark has been approached a time or two, but if I remember right, it was nothing he wanted to be involved in. Just like the reality show, mobile homes are still the butt of all jokes!

On the other hand, I bet most of us will still have our homes after the housing market really tanks in a few years! We haven't had the opportunity, or we've known better than to use our homes as collateral for a larger lifestyle than we can really afford!

I would love to see more DIY shows that show real people fixing up rooms or yards! All I've seen the last few years are folks with budgets that exceed what we owe on our home and land combined! Most of those are to fix up one room these days! I'd like to see a show that helped real people on a real budget fix things up!

Maureen 8)

RE: Shower stall recomendations

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 12:10 am
by altasnowman
Hi , tried a couple of months ago to get my home on one of those reality type home Reno shows and was politely to that they do not do our type of home. guess they are afraid to really work as we all know that mobile homes are harder to work on(not true but we'll let them think that). I think a show on doing Reno's to mobile homes would be great and if needed i will volunteer to host or co-host the show. I think if we could get this off the ground it would be very successful. Just my 2 Canadian cents worth. roflmao

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 12:15 am
by altasnowman
Hi and now getting back to the topic, I would go with a bigger floor pan with lip and it comes in 3-4 pieces. You can pick them up at most of the bigger box hardware stores. Cannot remember the name of the unit i looked at but it was big enough for 2 to get in at the same time.