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How Vinyl Shutters are attached

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:04 pm
by trike2x
Can someone tell me how shutters are attached to the metal on a mobilehome? Thanks for the help

RE: How Vinyl Shutters are attached

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 9:19 pm
by Yanita

One my old home and this one too I believe, there are little buttons on the shutters, remove them and there are screws under there, or little things that snap into/out of place.


RE: How Vinyl Shutters are attached

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 8:38 am
by Lorne
Strange you should ask.
We just had some installed along with our new window.

They are green Vinyl and had no pre-drilled holes. They did come with a package of 12 plastic, barbed screw thingies, for lack of a better name.

You drill a 1/4 inch hole 3 inches deep and force them into the hole through the shutter.
The carpenter said they didn't hold strong enough and decided to instead drill a smaller hole and put in 3 inch screws that would go into the studs.

Here lyes the rub. The shutters don't line up with a stud on one side and there was nothing to drill into accept the vinyl siding. Soooooooo.

Since the interior of the wall was exposed before the drywall was installed they held a small block of 2 x 4 on the inside wall while they screwed throught he shutter from the inside.

Worked great and will hold against any wind storm.

If they are ever unscrewed the 2 x 4 blocks will drop down into the wall on the inside, but I don't expect that will happen.

When all else fails, be sure to read the instruction and know what is behind your vinyl siding. My vinyl has no sheathing behind the vinyl so that was a bit of a problem in this case.
sorry to be so long winded. I'm on a typing roll this morning. Just learning to type faster.

RE: How Vinyl Shutters are attached

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 10:47 pm
by Mark
With some shutters, there's actually a support piece on the back of each side of the shutter. The support pieces are designed so when you tighten the screws, you don't flatten the shutter.

Otherwise good instructions on installing the shutters.
