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1999 New M0on

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 8:56 am
by nikki_0724
We have been looking at a 1999 New Moon in our park. its a 28*56 3 bedroom 2 bath home with a fireplace.

its priced out at 15.9 and thats a reduced price..

Does anyone have this home? Any problems with it?

Does this price seem right or is it to low.. or to much?

thanks in advance

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 1:05 pm
by Greg
There is a list at beginning of this forum with a list of things to check before buying a home. It is about as compleate as you will find. As for manufactures by name most are a regional manufacturer so what is very common in your area may not even exist in an other part of the country. The same holds true with price, her in central NY that sounds like a fair price depending on condition. If you are serious about buying, start low with an offer, it's easier to go up in price than to go down! Greg

RE: 1999 New M0on

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 3:13 pm
by Yanita

Check with your local Realtors, news papers and such to see what a home comparable sells for. Remember if this home is in a park, it will not get/cost as much as one like it on private property.

Maureen and I have comparable homes, in structure, age and size, I have more land, almost twice the amount, she lives on the West I live on the East coast, her home appraises for three times what mine does.

As Greg said read thru the Purchasing a Used Home Guide and see what type of damage, hidden or other wise is present.

Good luck!


RE: 1999 New M0on

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:57 am
by altasnowman
Like Greg and Yanita have said, read the list at the start of the forum and one other thing that you might want to do if it is in a park is to talk to the neighbors if you are really serious about the unit. the neighbors may be able to tell you if the current owners have had problems, and it is a good way to gauge the neighborhood. Not saying that anybodies neighbors are nosy but we have found out things about our place that the Realtor did not know, and the person(s) that are selling the home may not be the original owners and may not have a complete history of the home. This is also a good way to meet your new neighbors if you do purchase. The price does sound good but then again prices do vary from area to area, and i know this to be true as the park i am in verses a park across town there is almost a 20K difference for basically the same unit. Figure that one out. If you are in doubt about something in the unit,take pics if possible and post them here and somebody will usually give you a good idea of how to fix the problem and a very rough idea of the cost to do the repair. Just remember that any $ cost is only an guesstimate and getting a contractor in is always a good idea. Just my 2 Canadian cents worth.