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Cold Snap Preparedness Tips

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:12 pm
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I know I'm a little late! But, this one is a bad one, and it's going to hang on for at least a week.

Make sure you're prepared! A lot of you are getting the ice storms that we've had this last week. All I can say is that they are nasty... big time!

Make sure that your heat tape is working! Your skirting and belly should be in perfect condition, if it's not, you're asking for trouble!

If you've got an outside water heater closet, make sure you keep an eye on your water heater. Cold temps can kill a water heater that's on it's last leg! I know, we replaced ours last Tuesday. We had that one day above freezing. It wasn't a pleasant install, nor was it warm. It would have only taken an hour if the former owner wasn't glue happy on galvanized pipe. Had to hacksaw the over flow pipe off. The recip saw would not fit in the tight little space left for it. I supervised, while two of our best buddies did all the 'work'.

Be careful running water at night to keep your pipes thawed. It will keep the incoming pipes thawed, but may freeze your sewer line!

Stay warm folks! It's no fun. It doesn't matter whether your used to 60 degree night time temps or 0 temps. This cold blast is going to take you down below your normal.

Be prepared!

Maureen 8-)

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:13 pm
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Very good advice, I would just like to add one little note to it.

Nearly all of us know of or live next to an elderly person, couple, or family that cannot afford large heat bills. Whether they are on a fixed income or just down on their luck the cold weather forces thousands each year to choose between "luxury items" such as heat and food. It will also claim the lives of hundreds who use space heaters in an attempt to ward off the cold.

I simply ask everyone to keep an eye on their fellow neighbor. If you can, offer some assistance to help them get through these really cold spells.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:13 pm
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This winters weather has been so nice that it has totally spoiled me. I have heard that it is headed our way. Thats ok, I made my reservations today. Headed to the Bahamas, I hear the weather is nice there. I will let yall know. Yall stay safe and warm. Macmom

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:14 pm
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great advice.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:15 pm
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Looks like I'm in the freezing rain zone. Weather service is calling for the possibility of an inch or more of rain tonight & monday. Looks like it's time to fire up the generator!! Greg

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:16 pm
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Hi folks!

Yes, Archie gave some very good advice! Watch out for your neighbors! Our senior neighbors do get a visit each day, no matter what the weather! We don't live in a park, we all own our own land and homes, but.... we've all gone through things where we've needed each others help. All it takes it reaching out a bit to help others. It does come back to you in the end. I don't know when, or how it happened, but we sort of formed our own little neighborhood watch system. Only, ours includes checking on teh eldery when needed, and all of us helping out during a weather event, or natural disaster. We all know each other well enough to help out... just like in teh old days! Only we don't really socialize that much. But, we've made it a point to know our neighbors. That's very important!

The cold snap has gotten so much worse right now! You can't even find a plumber to come out an fix pipes. They're are booked up two weeks in advance! On the news tonight, the had a report on folks that had anywhere from 5 to 80 grand worth of damage to stick builts!

Nope, that's not a typo! These folks had no idea how to shut off their main water lines. They also didn't understand that frozen pipes don't do damage, it's when they thaw that pipes erupt! They woke up to find their pipes froze, went to work anyway.. just thinking that they would thaw with teh heat of the day... only to find flooded homes after work! Bad move!

Ya have to educate yourself, no matter what type of home you choose to live in.

Know where your main water shut off is located! If pipes are froze, deal with it now, not later! If you have to leave the home, make sure that the water main is shut off! You'll still have to repair teh pipe, but you won't have the damage and flooding that a lot of folks around here are dealing with!

Like I always say, a good offense, is the best defense! Plan ahead, and make sure that you've got your home in order!

Excuse the typos... spell check isn't working!

Maureen 8-)

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:16 pm
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Hi Guys,

Well the cold weather made it to Eastern North Carolina sometime yesterday. Last night was only 54*, and it has steadily dropped in temp. Currently is 37* with 17 mph winds. BBBBRRRR, the windows are closed and the furnace is running!:-(

Thankfully we escaped the freezing rain. There was a prediction for scattered snow flurries but there was nothing on the ground this AM, not even a hard frost!

Just watched the weather forecast and tomorrow is suppose to be cold, rainy and possible snow flurries again. LOL, if I felt better I would have to go to the store and buy my milk and bread.

So for those of us on the east coast that typically does not get freezing weather, go check that heat tape, make sure your skirting is secured and do not leave your faucets running. Instead open your lower cabinet doors if you think the pipes might freeze. The weekly forecast is predicting night time freezing temps for the remainder of the week.

Have a great day!


Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:17 pm
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Yup - hit Atlanta last night. I was able to make it to work today, but since I'm not allowed to leave till 9PM, I'll probably be iced in. Great - today's my birthday and I'll have to sleep on my desk. What'll it be next, Locusts?...

I'll tell you my age, but not how many years I've lived!

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:17 pm
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Just wanted to add, IF you turn your water OFF, turn your Water Heater OFF also.

Cold here, but no precipitation.

Take care and best wishes,

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:17 pm
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Happy Birthday!

Better pack and extra big lunch if you might get stuck there!

It's odd that Georgia gets colder, nastier weather than North Carolina, just seems the further south you go it ought to get warmer.

I certainly can not complain about the weather, mother nature has been very kind to us this past year.

I was dreading the first heating season in this old home, but since we have done many upgrades it holds it temp good. Currently the thermostat is on 68* and the inside temp is maintaining 72.

LOL, if we get the slightest dusting of snow or freezing rain, this area is all but crippled. Just not prepared for anything, and have limited equipment for salting the roads etc.

I am still to sick to go anywhere and there is plenty of food in the house. There is always gas in a can and the generator is ready at any time. Thankfully we have a back up source of heat as well. One of those non vented wall mount heaters. I really do not like them, but hey it will keep the house warm.

Take care and have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:18 pm
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Happy Birthday to you Mark-in-Rome. It's my birthday also. Capricorn's are hearty folks. Sorry that you are getting the cold snap now, but I sure am glad it's over for us in No. Calif. We have had temps in the teens and 20's for a week now. It's gorgeous today, almost spring-like. Just find a comfy spot and try to stay warm. Don't know how old you are today, but the candles on my cake could probably heat up a good sized area.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:18 pm
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Ah!!!.... happy birthday to you, too you little goat!! I don't know why "they" call us stubborn... I'm not. Guess what - I ended up marrying a LEO!!! She always wants HER way and I'm stubborn....

In reality, I always WANT her to have her way and I'm probably the easiest going guy you'd ever know...

Thanks for touching base from Northern California - I drove an 18 wheeler up through there towards Seattle in 1990!! Snow everywhere, then came back through wyoming over to Minnesota then down to Florida...

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:18 pm
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Hi Mark,

Ahhhhh yep, another Capricorn here! Only I'm an old little goat LOL!

We got up to 36 degrees today... man it felt like global warming!!!!

We've had about 3 ice storms in about as many weeks. Man, I'd take snow above the ice any day! You just can't drive on the ice! I went into a major skid last week coming out of Wal Mart. Scared the incoming car to death!!!! I hadn't had to go there with a vehicle in many years! Just like riding a bike... my truck straightened out real smooth! I've got 4 wheel drive, but I still lost it! Most of us know, if you live in freeze or snow country, when ice becomes an issue.... you can have 12 wheel drive and it won't help LOL!

Stay safe, keep your home safe, keep your families safe.

Maureen 8-)

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:19 pm
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Mark - thanks for the BD wishes, I'm not stubborn either, but can be when I have to. If I remember right Maureen, you are in December - 28th? I think you are the one with the same BD as my granddaughter. Capi's are cool!

I am not in the snowy part of No. Calif. (usu sally) although it snowed on Tuesday - it's been that cold. I am just north of San Francisco in the southern Napa Valley - Wine Country. Maureen is a few hours north and east of me and has a whole lot more weather to deal with than I do. We just aren't used to it. It's been so cold that all of the birds have started ice skating on the bird baths. I am so ready for spring. Just bundle up and try to stay warm and safe.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:19 pm
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Hi Susan,

You're right on there! My Birthday was the 28th! Hubby and I spent 4 days at Lake Tahoe. 5 hours after we got up to the cabin, the power went out. Those major wind storms we had. That was cool for the first day, except no Internet or TV for football games. I was in Internet with drawl and hubby was running off to the closest casino with generators to watch the bowl games. It was quite romantic LOL!

By the third day, our youngest son sent me photos via cell phone. Wild fire was burning around our little valley. I sent those on to Yanita LOL! Yeah, we're just kicking back and relaxing! We cut our little 'romantic' get away short and returned to reality!

Actually, we haven't had that much snow at all here! The ski resorts are making their own snow. Below freezing temps, wind and fires have been a big issue here. It's been a very dry, but cold Winter.

My biggest stress has been our younger son driving on the ice. He came through like a champ... he was taught well! We had the pile up crashes here also! Those ice storms are nothing to mess with!

BTW, I'm really stubborn LOL! Just ask my hubby or kids! They describe me as pit bull that won't let go of a bone. I'm not done, until I'm done!

Maureen 8-)