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making progress on skirting insulation and access door

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 6:52 pm
by Busybee1952
I'm sure there will be lots of folks who will see mistakes here but it's the best I can do all by myself. I'm getting the foam board up that goes behind the metal skirting and am building a HUGE access door per the instructions in Mark's manual. All I had was some scrap wood but it seems to be coming along okay.

This last picture is the access opening. I hauled 2 huge pieces of board in there so that when you go in the door, you don't have a drop off. (I know, I have to take the heat tape off the pex too) LOL

RE: making progress on skirting insulation and access door

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:45 pm
by JD
Hi Pat,

I think you've done good! Once you get your skirting on there and it all withstands a storm, what more can you ask for? That should help you out a lot this winter.


RE: making progress on skirting insulation and access door

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 2:28 pm
by klm9707
Well it looks good to me and you also get an A+ for the effort! :)

RE: making progress on skirting insulation and access door

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 2:49 pm
by Yanita
Good job BusyBee!

I am a fan of recycling, so in my book you did good! Hopefully all your hard efforts will be rewarded this freeze ups and less to heat the home! :D

Good job!


Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 4:15 pm
by Greg
Busybee, If someone wants to find faults in your work, do like I do, make it easy so they dont waste too much time! Looks good to me, and even better from MY house! Good job!! Greg

RE: making progress on skirting insulation and access door

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 6:46 am
by Busybee1952
Thanks everyone. Your encouragement is priceless to me! I guess one of the bad things about living out in the middle of nowhere with no one I know close at hand, it's kind of hard to get opinions or instructions or have any kind of feedback. I ask the dog all the time but she just gives me this look and runs off with my sack of screws whenever she gets the chance. Now, if I could just get her to bring them to me when they're way over there, I'm lying on my back holding something up with one hand with the screw gun in the other hand!

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 9:17 am
by Mark
Wow, even painted the frame on the access door.

If you put a screen in the access door, I would make it using an aluminum frame instead of a wood one. Since I wrote that information in my book, inexpensive screen kits have become available generally wherever you can by screen. For future screens, I'd skip the wood frame and use everything from the screen kit.

Soon I'll post info on building a new window screen. I've got all the pictures and everything done, just need to put it all together.

Good job so far!


Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 6:07 am
by Jim from Canada
Looks good! If anyone complains that it doesn't, tell them to feel free to pitch in with any improvements! lol
