Kitchen Cabinets - Redone

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Heather Hill

I have repainted my kitchen cupboards. :D I could not use the old hinges because they clashed with the colour of the cabinets and they were very old. :? So I bought new hinges - almost the exact same as the old ones the only difference is that the position of the screws for the tab which attaches to the door was reversed so I can't use the same holes on the doors.

Luckily I started with the laundry area first. :idea: I put two of the doors back up - but the doors don't sit flush against the cabinet - but if you put pressure on the door, it closes, but the doors kind of pops back open a bit and sits about about 1/2 to 1/4 inch ajar.

Any ideas or suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?

I am planning on tackling it again tonight. :roll:


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I'm assuming these aren't the adjustable type hinges. Otherwise it sounds like you may have put the hinge of the hinge (clear as mud?) too close to the cabinet, so when you close the door its binding (trying to push out).

Posting a picture would be helpful.

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Gone Costal

Hello, I run into this problem all the time with our apartment cabinets. People will leave the doors open and then run into then bending the hinge a little. I am taking it you used self closing hinges? When this happens the hinge gets tweaked a little and actually springs the door back open.

Heres what I do when it happens. I open the door and stick a screwdriver between the hinge and very easily close the door with a little pressure. This will usually bend the hinge back into place and the door closes tight again. Just make sure not to put to much pressure on the door when you have the screwdriver between the hinge. With to much force it can rip the screws out. Do this precedure to both hinges.

If this problem is happening to all the doors you rehinged I think Mark is right about them not being mounted right. If thats the case this technique should still be a fix to the ones already installed. But I suggest looking for the problem with installation before installing any more. They might not be the right hinge for your cabinet door style.
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It does sound like a "minor" adjustment problem, you may have to look very close to see where the problem is, but it should be a simple fix. Greg
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This may be over simplistic, but are you sure you have the doors back on the same cabinet they came off of?? The reason I say this is because we took the doors off the laundry room cabinets and painted everything. We never thought to mark the doors and when we put them up, a couple don't fit quite "right" LOL It's just the laundry room so we left them as is though.
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Heather Hill

After struggling with the laundry area (and almost getting them to the closed position) :? I moved onto the kitchen. So I put up the first door with the hinges... same thing - sticks out. :x

I originally bought these antique brass hinges for the kitchen. But the colour combination of the wrought iron and the antique brass hinges didn't look great... so I ordered these hinges which appeared to be the same as what I had initially except black. If you put the two hinges together they look exactly the same.

After a few hours of fussing around with these black hinges, I thought to myself - let's try the brass hinge to see how they work. :idea: :idea: :idea: The brass hinges went on perfectly, no problem and I used the same holes as the original hinges and voila !

So it appears that I had the wrong hinges, even though they looked exactly alike ... the end result is that the kitchen cupboards are now hung up beautifully with the antique brass hinges. The black hinges are going back to the store and the handles are going back as well. I have already selected a matching antique brass handle which looks awesome.

Thanks for all your help folks. I put off doing the kitchen cupboards for over two years... now I know why.

Once I have installed all the handles, I will submit a picture of the completed kitchen... it looks really good.

Heather :lol:
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Glad you got it figured out.

Look forward to seeing your finished kitchen, you can either post the pics in your personal photo album, or in the Main Photo Album on site.

I consider this a completed thread so I am going to lock it off now.

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