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Water sensor

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:17 pm
by archive
Purchased this item in 2003. It just went off. Opened the water heater area,only to find the floor surface very dry(thank God)!! Certainly don't need this problem now. Also,before I got to the area,it stopped. It has no battery as I can see to replace. Why would it go off/or do I need to replace it?? I move it to a different location and am leaving it open for awhile to keep it in check!

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:17 pm
by archive
Hi Ronaldo,

Can you let us know if you purchased the current model. It's located under the Books & Parts link. Just click on the plumbing section.

That model does take a 9 volt battery. It will beep when the battery is getting low.

One way to find out is this, if it isn't hard wire... meaning plugged in to an outlet, then it runs on batteries.

If you find that it runs on batteries, I'd replace those yearly, at the very least.

I've alerted Mark for any more advice for your leak detector.

Maureen 8-)

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:17 pm
by archive
Hi,and thanks for the quick reply. Looking at the latest one listed,it appears mine is the older model. That one has a lite/signal on it.Mine has the wire/metal line around the edge that detects water.In otherwords,I have to lay it on it's side for use. I will reopen closet & try to get it opened to replace the battery for now. If unable,guess I'll be in contact for the updated model. Have a great day !!!

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:18 pm
by archive
I would hate to appear ignoorant (but seems I am) but what good is a water sensor around a water heater? It would seem to me that if it starts leaking you don't have a big choice but to get 40 gallons of water dumped inside your home. I guess it would let you know to shut-off the main line and I think probally try to drain outside whatever you can. I've never had this happen thank God so please explain to me what exactly does happen if a water heater does spring a leak. Thanks

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:18 pm
by archive
Hi brucetrout

The ones I have seen were slow leakers. They did not dump the entire contents all at once. If you have the water heater sitting in a pan...the pan will catch most of the wetness and save the floor provided you eyeball the water heater for leaks routinely.

The sensor is good backup. I think I'll buy one.


Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:19 pm
by archive
Hi Bruce,

The WH will leak out slowly and if the water detects is in place you'll be warned and can shut off the water and drain the WH enough to be able to remove.

Usually, this will keep water to floor at an ammount so as to not severly damage the floor if at all.

The BEST prevention is a drain pan with drain line to outside AND the water detector inside the pan.

It will alert so you can begin draining for removal with no worries.

Definately a wise investment.

Take care and best wishes,

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:19 pm
by archive
Okay-you've convinced me. Got one on order.
I just didn't know that water heaters leaked slowly like that.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:19 pm
by archive
IF the tank ruptures, they won't. However, most leaks are from rusted out bottoms and usually start slowly and if you have any warning, can save some bucks.

Take care and best wishes,

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:20 pm
by archive
My plumber told me that in his experience, the leaks begin as pinhole leaks where each element connects to whatever they connect to, i.e about in the middle, and at the bottom, of side of the tank, if you have a dual-element tank. That certainly applied in my case. Mine had been leaking that way for a long time, not enough to notice either until the rusted part broke open.

Nicky T
Quoted From: Robert

IF the tank ruptures, they won't. However, most leaks are from rusted out bottoms and usually start slowly and if you have any warning, can save some bucks.