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electical wiring--cut through

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:06 pm
by archive
I'm having vinyl windows put in and they are a little taller than what was taken out. While enlarging the opening for one of the windows (they are cutting the hole "up", rather than "down"), they cut through some electrical wires. I have not had a chance to go look yet, but they said the wires are on the outside of the mobile, just underneath the siding. I have a doublewide, 1989 Liberty. Can these wires just be spliced back together and taped up real good, or do I need to contact an electrician?
TIA for any help or adivce. :lol:

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:06 pm
by archive
Hi Amber

When it comes to electricity if you have to ask ... call an electrician. This is JMO.


Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:07 pm
by archive

Did you hire professionals to do these replacements windows or did you opt for another way?

If you are having pros do the install all of this should of been determined before the cuts where made. If you had pros/contractors do the work then their insurance will have this wire fixed, you should not need to do anything or call anyone personally.

Unfortunately I can not personally advise on what to do with these wires, whether they can be spliced and taped as you asked, I am not an electrician.

If these replacements are being done by friends, family etc then I advise as Harry said, please call an electrician to make sure that everything is put back together safely.

Glad you found us!

Have a great day!


Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:07 pm
by archive
Amber, please Don't think we can't or won't give you an answer. In this forum we believe that your safety is more important to everyone than the cost of having a pro come in and advising you. The LAST thing we want to hear about is someone loosing their home or a life to a fire caused buy an electrical problem. Greg

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:08 pm
by archive
One fact that I know is that you cannot splice wires that are hidden from view. In other words you cannot splice wires in a covered wall. All splices have to be accessible and the splice box has to be visible when the wall is finished for access inspection reasons.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:08 pm
by archive

Thanks for your post, a good reminder as I reread the thread it appears we all know the answer and are not telling.

To the the original poster, if you or anyone you know is uncertain as to how to correct the wires then please call an electrician, the fee will be much less than your life or home.


Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:08 pm
by archive

HVAC1000 is correct here, you will have to run/fish a new cable.

Take care and best wishes,

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:09 pm
by archive
Thanks for the replies. I was thinking about this at work and figured I should just call someone. I have an uncle and a friend who are both licensed electricians, so no problem there.
Is it normal for some wiring to be on the outside of the mobile like this?
Thanks again, Amber

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:10 pm
by archive
Hi Amber,

It's not really normal, but it could have been a retro fit! We have old out side wiring for extra exterior lighting, for retro flood lights... and some of the built in homes lighting. The exterior wiring is run through conduit. That seals it from the weather.

If you hired licensed contractors to install your windows, there is no reason these days that they should have cut through electrical lines to, or in the home. Licensed contractors, normally take the time to look for these things.

Just my opinion, but I think that repairing the electrical issue, should be on their shoulders.

Maureen 8-)