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bathtub surround

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:59 pm
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Now that I have the garden tub question out of the way I would like to know what my options are surrounding the walls. Can I ceramic tile the shower walls or do I have to use that plastic surround that I pulled out? I don't know what the rules are when it comes to mobile homes verses a house.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:59 pm
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Our homes have a tendency to move around a bit with weather changes. I would not go with a hard tile. A plastic surround will work better in my opinion and that type of material is available at many stores. You can cut it to size and use joining strips and trim to finish the job.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:00 pm
by archive
Margie, There really are no rules. Like hvac said our homes do, by design move some. You are limited by a few factors such as: your location (Is frozen ground a factor in your area?) frost heave WILL make a mobile home move up & down and even twist slightly. High winds, winds can make outside walls flex slightly. How is your home set up? blocks, Below frost line piers, pad, full foundation? How a home is set up makes a big difference in how much the home moves around.
If you haven't already you may want to order Mark's book available here. It is a bible for mobile home owners, as it covers most all of the repairs you may come across in a general way. Greg

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:00 pm
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Hi Margie,

Here's my rule of thumb for any type of hard tile. It may be used in small areas, if you live in areas with frost heave.

My experience is that even one season of brutal cold temps can crack tile. Second, any movement in a wall where water is present, like a shower or tub surround, is asking for trouble. One tiny hair line crack in grout can cost you thousands in repairs! Go with a plastic or fiberglass surround, you'll be happy that you did!

My brother is a journeyman tile setter, lives in a mobile, and only has three small areas tiled. Entry way, backsplash in kitchen, and small guest bath floor. He's already sorry that he tiled the bathroom floor!

You can find plenty of surrounds that look like tile these days. Personally, I'd take that option! Water and our homes do not mix well!

Maureen 8-)

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:00 pm
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I live in Texas where we have long summers and little winter.It rarely freezes which we are having one tonight. My home is on a clay pad set up on blocks. Maureen you are so right about water and mobile homes. Most of the repairs in this home is water damage and we are having to replace kitchen cabinets, bathroom cabinets, some flooring etc. I want to fix it up cute but most of things I see in mobile home supply stores are very plain and simple.
Thanks for the helps. I really love this forum.
Margie :hammer:

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:01 pm
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Hi Margie,

There's no reason to limit yourself to mobile home supply stores! Most home improvement stores will have all items that will fit! You may have to special order items from these stores, but that's very easy!

Lowes is very good about this, and I hear that Home Depot is getting a bit better.

But, before you can make it pretty and cute, you really need to make sure it's structurally sound. I highly recommend that you purchase Mark's repair manual! Read through old news letters and the articles section of the site. All of this information can be found under the links at the top of the page. The book is invaluable! Even if you aren't doing the repairs yourself, it will educate you on how to make sure you hire the right person to do the job!

Take a look at the photo album! Plenty of folks have turned their homes into show places! We also have the decorating forum available. Read through that for hints and tips!

Maureen 8-)

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:02 pm
by archive
Hi Margie

WOW some weather you are having in Texas!

I'm across the Gulf from you. Probably the same climate. I would follow Maureen's advise on the tile. You are asking for trouble. I've seen lots of cracked tile jobs in mobile homes.

Good Luck.


Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:02 pm
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Hi Margie,

Maureen is on the money! You are not limited to MH supply stores.

If you are doing a total remodel on a bathroom then your options are pretty open. Many things can be bought that will fit the space. I have never had to special order anything thankfully.

I agree with not using the tile for your surround, although pretty it will certainly cause problems latter on, then you are back to square one.

If you are replacing a tub and looking for a tub/shower surround your best choices are the preformed surrounds.


Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:02 pm
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My tub surround walls are due for replacement. I've bought a fibreglass wall unit for it but the wallboard needs replacing too.

Can anybody comment on Aquaboard for this?

Thenks, Nicky T