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Thermostat temperature

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 9:22 am
by mist1953
Can anyone tell me what would the safest temperature we could set our thermostat on in winter so we do not have to worry about frozen pipes?? I've called several HACV companies but never got a call back. In the past we have always winterized our camper but having a mobile home is all new to us and no comparison. The temperatures sometimes get in the single digits but not below zero. We are learning as we go and any help would be appreciated. Also, is it okay to put insulation boards under the home to help?? We do not live in the home full time but we do not want to close it up for the winter as we do plan on staying in the home occasionally on the weekends and through deer season. Its nice to just get away from the craziness in the city.

RE: Thermastat temperture

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:55 pm
by hvac1000
I treat the drains with the pink antifreeze and set my thermostat at 50 degrees. The water lines in most homes run down the side of the heat duct so they do not freeze. I found that by letting the heat on it really saves the home from other damage. Yes it costs $$ when you do not use it much in the winter but it is much better for the home in the long run.

RE: Thermastat temperture

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 1:22 pm
by Archie
To many variables to give an exact number. Things like the shape of the skirting and belly material. Have the water lines been replaced and if so are they routed properly. What material are the water lines made of. Is the home subject to much wind or is it blocked by other items.

Trial and error may be an expensive route to take, I would probably be safe and just fork out the few extra dollars a month to be sure they didn't freeze.