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Paging Yanita! guess what We started

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:44 pm
by Willc
That is one set of concrete countertops going in.
I will try to answer any question asked .

RE: Paging Yanita! guess what We started

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:30 am
by Yanita
Hi Will,

LOL, I was just thinking about this the other day! Was wondering what your progress was.

Looks great...what did you use for a concrete mix? I does not appear that you did any extra framing on the smaller counter, how is everything holding up...personally I would think these would weigh less than a marble, granite or other stone surface.

I saw a show the other day that once the crete was poured they sprinkled glass onto the surface. Once the crete cures and you sand it down, the glass shines and of course leaves no sharp edges to cut yourself with.

Thanks for the me hope that I can do this myself! :lol:


RE: Paging Yanita! guess what We started

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 5:03 pm
by Willc
It did not flow into the sides of the mold complety .
two DO not let your retired father in law in the house until it is dry!!
ruined the finish

I am going to cut the first pour off and yuse the mix off the DIY network.

RE: Paging Yanita! guess what We started

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 6:42 pm
by Yanita

How disappointing is that! Ok, do not use pre mixed, I am guessing that is what you did and it did not work well???

As for my FIL, he lives a thousand miles away, so no worry there. LOL, Hubby and kids stay away from any of my projects, they have learned it will make a bad day for everyone should they mess up!

Soooo, are your counter tops repairable, what happened to the finish?


RE: Paging Yanita! guess what We started

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 7:51 pm
by Willc
I only pored the little one 25X30
it can be fixed hopfully buy carefully cutting the sub base off the countertop.
I was somewhat happy with the surface but the sides of the mold looked bad
I will go to a mixof
1 part portland
2 parts 3/8 aggerate
3 parts fine sand

the color was great and the home depot put em together yourself cabinets are holding up fine

RE: Paging Yanita! guess what We started

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 8:03 am
by Lorne
Looks good. I was wondering how good those
"put em together yourself cabinets" were as far as quality. I missed the counter top show.

Send more pics, please.

RE: Paging Yanita! guess what We started

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 6:23 pm
by Willc
the cabinet quality is excellent! I work in construction in high end homes and I would say the quality is better than some of the cabinets in million doller homes. The home depot( the don't carry them in stock anymore) have 3/4 sides and shelves. The also are full overlay- opening type which means they have no frame of center stile. I priced many cabinet from many places at a avg price of 5k for the kitchen. We have about 2000 in these.

RE: Paging Yanita! guess what We started

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 7:01 pm
by Yanita
Hey Will,

Do you have those counter tops poured and finished off yet?


RE: Paging Yanita! guess what We started

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 8:21 pm
by Willc
We have been pouring test 2x2 squares trying colors and different mixes.The mix I posted above is OK but a little sandy.
We will try a 2 parts portland 2 parts rock 2 parts sand tommrow.
We have found out NOT to be shy with the color bottle for vibrate colors.

We did let one sit in the the mold for 4 days and the sides and bottom had a real nice flat finish . This is tthe way the DIY network tells you to do precast.

We can not do precast because of the 7ft by3 ft peniusla. I guess it would weigh in close to 500 pounds or better.

RE: Paging Yanita! guess what We started

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 10:26 pm
by Yanita

Thanks for the update. Please keep track of your different formulas, color tips etc, and of course the details!

LOL, I am letting you be the guinea pig on this project. Post some pics of your samples....
