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Trying to get a feel for price and quality

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 12:00 am
by drydrane
I am trying to figure out what approximate total cost of new or good used, midprized, ca. 1800 sqft, manufactured home delivered and installed to my 5 acre lot would be.

What brand, make delivers best value?

The local dealers are all over the map and I am under time pressure to make a decision.

Can you refer me to a website that would make this process simpler, faster?

Sofar I haven't even found a website with lot prices.

Any advice, referral, ideas greatly appreciated.

Thanks for the great forum!

RE: Trying to get a feel for price and quality

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 2:25 am
by Archie
Pretty much any answers you might get here would be speculation and opinions. The prices of homes varies greatly with location and how they are set up. The quality of homes is much like the quality of an auto. Some folks get real lucky and have no problems with a certain brand while others have nothing but problems.

The first step I would take would be to make sure that the land is zoned such that I could install a mobile home on it. Some cities and counties will not zone property for mobile homes because they feel it lowers property values (and tax revenue). Once the zoning is taken care of you need to look for any codes that apply. After the codes you need to see about running utilities if there isn't any run to the lot. Then you may need to see about preparing the land to set the home on; grading the land, setting anchors, digging piers if needed.

Talking with a home dealer to find out exactly what they will and will not cover under installation is needed, as anything extra has to be covered by the home owner. As for pricing, they are much like a car dealer and have some room to haggle but don't expect them to give you a firm price without negotiating.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 10:00 am
by Greg
Hi & welcome. The best advice we can give you is to look at the guidelines for buying a mobile home in the sticky section of the index. Yanita made a very comprehensive check list of what you want to look for. this list applies to both new & used homes.
As for a dealer, call around & ask people, use you gut instinct. Don't base everything on just price, You should be able to to get a feel by talking to them. Greg

RE: Trying to get a feel for price and quality

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 10:29 am
by drydrane
Thanks for replying.

Since I am new here I just want to make sure:

Are you referring to Yanita's "how to buy a used..."? Just making sure I am not missing another post of hers somewhere in this forum.

Also, does anybody know of a website that does attempt to give costs, prices, opinions etc. about various brands?

Opinions and speculations would be fine since that would maybe multiply out somewhat.

For instance: What would you get for, say, $60,000 new or used, what about $70,000? What are typical site preparation costs?

Can you count on a firm quote from a reputable dealer, does a bottom line "delivered and installed to site" really mean what it says or are there any other costs that usually occur that the dealer does not mention up front?

Are prices usually negotiable? If so, by how much?

Opinions and conjecture are welcome - the more the better a picture one should get.

I realize that this forum deals with repairs and I am looking forward to learning from all your experience.

I have not found another equally alive place on the internet about the ins and outs of buying a manufactured home and that's why I am posting here, hoping that maybe this is a discussion people want to see in this forum or that somebody can direct me to a equally useful place elsewhere.

Thanks either way :-)

RE: Trying to get a feel for price and quality

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 1:03 pm
by Yanita


Busy site, always...

We welcome your topic and if you do a site search you could very well find some more post about this subject.

Greg and Archie really conveyed about all the info. As for negotiating prices, that would depend on the people you go thru, are you willing to do any work on your own...

We really can not do anything other than give opinions about different manufacturers, LOL, I bet this forum of homeowners have about every brand covered. We all run into the same problems sooner or latter.

IMO, when buying a new home we had the stove, fridge, washer dryer and all furniture removed. All of these items were of poor quality. This items are included in your total price, I could not imagine paying interest on these items for 7, to 30 years depending on your loan obligations.

Prices vary drastically from the East coast to the West coast, exp...Maureen another moderator here has a older home much like mine, 35 yo. About the same size, I have twice the amount of land she does, her home appraises at if I remember correctly somewhere near 200,000.00, mine on the east coast just over 100,000.00. Her taxes are triple mine, my insurance is twice as you can see for us to put #'s out are as Archie said, shear speculation.

Mark, the owner of this site also has 2 articles that are in the "articles" link above. Mine was written more for used homes.
When buying your home I would focus more attention on the structure than the interior pretties. Again this stuff is covered in the 3 different articles.

Feel free to post your questions, glad you found us...

Happy Holidays,


RE: Trying to get a feel for price and quality

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 3:10 pm
by Brenda (OH)
maybe one of the moderators could give the link to the thread or good search terms from when folks discussed the best upgrades when buying a new MH?

I remember that plywood floors instead of particle board was a good upgrade, and taking the higher wall thickness, and extra insulation... but any other ideas have been lost to my brain with the cold weather


RE: Trying to get a feel for price and quality

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 3:36 pm
by Yanita
Hi Brenda,

Anyone is welcome to leave a link to various past or present post. I personally donate alot of time to this site, and do not always have the time to search thru and find a specific one.

Personally I feel if I linked everything on this site then the users may well miss alot of info by not reading and checking out all the links, we do have a very comprehensive task menu above.

As for terms try, flooring upgrades, plumbing upgrades, insulation, the list goes on... :D

Should you need further help please let us know.

Happy Holidays,


RE: Trying to get a feel for price and quality

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 11:13 pm
by Archie
As I stated before. No website will give pricing info on homes. They will all ask or direct you to your nearest dealer because of the regional differences in pricing (just like a car here will cost several thousand more in Ca.). Also like buying an auto there is a basic contract, you can have things added to that contract, you might even have some things subtracted from it; is up to the buyer to make sure that the contract covers everything that the seller promises. GET IT ALL IN WRITING.

Also like buying a car. Many dealers have "Show Homes" that you can walk through on their sites. Some models will have rebates or discounts depending on the age of the home. They will want to push their inventory (Show Homes) before ordering a home.

Yes there can be several thousands of dollars in extra costs. Anything that is not specifically stated in the contract as being covered by the seller can be an extra cost. Utilities, cement, prepping site for home, you need to ask the seller questions until you feel satisfied you have the right answers. Get a note book, write everything down, make them earn their money. I would.

RE: Trying to get a feel for price and quality

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:56 am
by drydrane
Thank you for taking time to reply so thoroughly!

I know now why it is so hard to get comparative pricing and will continue to kick tires with the local dealers.

I spent most of yesterday doing just that and learned much in the process but also learned that there is much I need to comprehend and think about to ask the dealers further questions.

I need to get the sense that I might be actually be a bit literate when it comes to making decisions and that'll take another few days and visits.

But, thanks to your help, at least I am assured that this is the most productive way to go about getting educated in this field.

Thanks again :-)

RE: Trying to get a feel for price and quality

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 8:03 am
by Yanita

Your very welcome.

We look forward to helping you in the future. Please keep us posted on your progress and the purchase of your home.

As Archie said, Make sure that whatever agreements you and the dealership come upon EVERYTHING is in writing, even the smallest of items can come back to bite you if they are not included.

Hopefully you read the 2 articles that Mark, (the owner of the site) wrote.

Happy Holidays,


RE: Trying to get a feel for price and quality

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:35 pm
by Handweaving
Well gee,
Do you want to move to Rantoul, Illinois? I have a great 1988, 14x52 Fairmont, all new windows, great heat/central air, 14 x 14' shed, washer/dryer, largish yard, nice neighborhood and only 20 minutes from the U of Illinois!! 9,500 or best offer.
Hey, gotta try!

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:22 pm
by Greg
Perhaps you should think about buying Mark's (the owner of this site) book. It is geared for the owner / DYI. It covers most all areas of repair & maintiance in a generic form. Available in the Parts & books section of this site. The book will give you a better idea of how they are made & some of the pit falls. Greg

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:33 pm
by Archie