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small wood stove?

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 4:45 pm
by rancocasrich
Are there any concerns with having a small wood stove installed in a mobile home?

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 5:19 pm
by Greg
Concerns? Just the obvious, plus to meet code and insurance requirements it should be Mobile Home approved.
Many here have them, if you do install one DO NOT CUT ANY CORNERS! your life may depend on it. Greg

RE: small wood stove?

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 5:35 pm
by Yanita

Welcome to the site!

As Greg said, many here have wood stoves. But you are suppose to install a mobile home approved stove. Check with your insurance company and local codes before you proceed. Also I forgot to see where you live, if you have extremely cold/freezing weather heating your home strictly with a wood stove could possibly leave you with frozen water lines.

The water lines follow the heat ducts under the home, both are covered with insulation, this in essences keeps the pipes from freezing.

Hope we have helped and if you need further info please let us know.

Also if you use the search feature on this site you will find many past threads on wood stoves.

Happy Holidays,


Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:33 pm
by Jim from Canada
Buy a mobile home rated stove. Install it to the manufacturers instructions plus a little more clearance. Buy the best double wall pipe and insulated chimney you can. Do not scrimp on any materials. A mobile home can disappear in about 15 minutes due to fire. I heat with wood. Don't forget your permit and inspection!

RE: small wood stove?

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:53 pm
by JimCNY
I had one installed this fall. 1000 square foot home. It's a Hearthstone MH approved takes awhile to heat up but stays hot long after the last log burns out.
Keeps it at 78 in the living room where it is located and 74 in the other rooms. Outside temps in the 30's during the day and mid teens at nite. Belly temps upper 40's, crawl space low 40's. I light it at 3:00 pm last log at 9:00pm. Furnace is set at 66. overnight and when no one is home.
Definitely get it installed by a professional.

RE: small wood stove?

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 4:20 pm
by YKX
you can also add a fan (only) switch from your furnace. Once the house is nice and hot, flick the switch, the furnace fan will start without kicking in and you will get the heat needed into the belly bag.


RE: small wood stove?

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 9:12 pm
by Guest
The previous owner of my MH installed a small wood stove, but I have yet to use it. I just treat it as part of my home's decor rather than a possible source of heat. After seeing some of his other handiwork around here, the place would probably burn down if I even looked at it the wrong way. I may eventually use it, but not until I've renovated the room it's in completely and installed every safety device known to man and had it re-inspected. Just the thought of a wood stove in a MH doesn't seem right to me and it was the first item I was asked if I owned when I applied for home insurance.

RE: small wood stove?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:53 am
by lv2cmp
I recently installed one and its approved for mobile home. I used the best on everything and I love it. I went with the Lopi brand.
