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need a used gas MH furnance

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 12:21 pm
by Brenda (OH)
any suggestions on how I could locate a used natural gas MH furnance?

the current furnance has had the gas regulator, thermocouple, and pilot light replaced, numerous pressure checks, pilot light was not staying lit after the repair.

when it did stay light, I came back to rehab MH, turned up the furnance, heard the burner light.. a few minutes later, when fan came on, whoosh boom, and the door blew off the front. So it was not likely that the gas built up before the burner lit, but afterward.

I have had a second repair company look at the furnance, neither they or the first repair company can tell me what happened, or whether it is likely to happen again. they keep saying gas furnances this age (1980s) are pretty simple, there is nothing else to check!

I decided it I would be happiest with a different furnance... I have winterized the MH, and am trying to find a different furnance. I was quoted $2200 for a new coleman, including install and new roof jack etc.

I am in SW ohio, near Cincinnati.

Brenda (OH) 513-505-5399

RE: need a used gas MH furnance

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:32 pm
by Yanita
Hi Brenda,

I am going to move this to the All Other HVAC Questions forum. This is reserved for actual repair questions.

It may take Robert or another to get to you on this as it is not a emergency at this time. The techs are real busy this time of year.

Hold tight and someone will get to you.

In the meantime you could call around to some of your local MH supply stores and see what their prices are.

Happy Holidays,


RE: need a used gas MH furnance

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 3:14 am
by Robert
Buying a used gas furnace is not something I would suggest, too many variables that could be dangerous to you .

As for other problem, find a reputable HVAC company that can inspect and find problem area.

With all you have replaced, what it is doing and two companies involved, not safe wise for me to try and find solution from here.
