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Selling my house

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:17 pm
by texas2007
Hi everyone, I am selling my house and need your help. I have about a week to get it ready for showing. It is a 2004 so it is in pretty good shape but has the usual wear and tear that mobile homes have.
Anyone have any tips on getting it ready to show to people?
Also- we had it for sale a year ago but deicded to take it off the market. The realtor we had knew nothing about mobile homes. She called me for everything-When we got a buyer I had to call around and try to find someone that would finance it.(which I never did) It is a singlewide with no slab. Does anyone know
1. where I can find a realtor that knows something about mobile homes and
2. If anyone will finance a singlewide(also comes with 1.2 acres) that is not sitting on a slab?


RE: Selling my house

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:29 pm
by Yanita

I am going to move this to the off Topic forum as it is not repair related.

Tips for selling your home...make sure it is spotless, windows door frames around door knobs etc and make sure there are no cobwebs.

De clutter, one of the most important things you can do, remove all personal items, family portraits etc. When women walk through a home they immediately "start decorating" in there minds eye, your personal possessions block our view and potentially the sale.

Closets and cupboards, remove everything that you are not using, and even some of that, closets appear bigger when they are not full of stuff, gives the illusion of plenty of storage.

Most women love daylight, make sure the windows are clean and any heavy drapes are pulled back to allow the sun to me on this of the biggest selling points of this home was to walk into the living room and have 6 full windows!

Outside, curb appeal to some is also as important as the inside. Our at least it was for me. Depending on your location make sure that bushes are pruned, flowers beds are tidy, everything is weed whacked. All exterior lights in working condition, decks and porches in neat order.

Just my thoughts,


Re: RE: Selling my house

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:31 pm
by texas2007
Yanita wrote:Hi,

I* am going to move this to the off Topic forum as it is not repair related.

Tips for selling your home...make sure it is spotless, windows door frames around door knobs etc and make sure there are no cobwebs.

De clutter, one of the most important things you can do, remove all personal items, family portraits etc. When women walk through a home they immediately "start decorating" in there minds eye, your personal possessions block our view and potentially the sale.

Closets and cupboards, remove everything that you are not using, and even some of that, closets appear bigger when they are not full of stuff, gives the illusion of plenty of storage.

Most women love daylight, make sure the windows are clean and any heavy drapes are pulled back to allow the sun to me on this of the biggest selling points of this home was to walk into the living room and have 6 full windows!

Outside, curb appeal to some is also as important as the inside. Our at least it was for me. Depending on your location make sure that bushes are pruned, flowers beds are tidy, everything is weed whacked. All exterior lights in working condition, decks and porches in neat order.

Just my thoughts,

Sorry! and thanks for the tips

RE: Selling my house

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:45 pm
by Yanita

Not a problem. Alot of folks check this forum alot, they like to come here and just it will get seen!

Yanita :D

RE: Selling my house

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:58 pm
by texasprairierose
Hey Texas2007,

Where in the Texas Panhandle do you live? I live in Amarillo..we might be neighbors!!

We have considered selling our house in the past and have friends that have sold theirs, so I totally understand what you went through with the realtor. I hate to say this, but unfortunately, here in the Texas panhandle, once a realtor, a mortgage company or even service repair companies, find out that you live in a mobile home, you immediately have a "trailer trash" stigma attached to you and it is hard to get cooperation or service. However, when we were considering selling our house, we talked to a realtor that had lived for 25+ years in a mobile home and so she knew all about them.

If you live in the Amarillo area, you can PM me and I will give you her name and phone number.

I think that finding financing for a mobile home that is not on a permanent foundation might be hard. Our house is not on a permanent foundation because it is 15 years old and back then, we weren't required to have permanent foundations. Several years ago, we wanted to take advantage of the low interest rates and refinance our house, and I called every mortgage company and bank in town and they were all interested until they found out two things...1) It was a mobile home; 2) It was not on a permanent foundation. They wanted nothing to do with it :evil: so consequently, we didn't refinance it.


Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:23 pm
by Demolition
First, I ain't moving out there but...
My fience and I are looking for a house right now.
Part of my demands are a nice neighborhood and good neighbors. So if you have a list in your mind of say... School District, Local Churches, Stores that are close to the house, and a run down of how nice the neighbors are... that will make them feel at home before they even buy the home.

RE: Selling my house

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 9:38 pm
by texas2007
Yea, I cannot help how the neigbors live. All I can do is clean up my part of it and hope they can overloook some of our neighbors.

RE: Selling my house

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 6:39 pm
by gram2logan
texas, it's really hard to get financing for a mobile home where I live unless it's a new one sold by a dealer. The only possible choices I know of is bank financing (and they don't consider it a mortgage - just a loan) or find a place online. Here are several sites dedicated to mobile home financing. I haven't checked them out, so make sure you read "the fine print." ... x?OpenForm

Good luck!

RE: Selling my house

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:20 pm
by Handweaving
Hey Texas,
Good luck. I think lots of getting ready to show is just common sense.
I repainted every inch of my home before I put the for sale sign up.
I've had alot of traffic through here, and I live in a little town, just because folks will drive around and look for homes -which is how I found this place . I had three calls just yesterday.
Most folks problem has been, I won't take payments.
One of the guys that's interested said he could just get a 90-day loan. That's what I like to hear. Now if he'd just come back and pay me. lol
I also have made a list of come quirky things about my home for the new homeowner that I'm not going to show them until they are ready to pay. There's nothing serious in the list. I'm also leaving them my two mobile home manuals for them.
Keep us updated.

RE: Selling my house

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:01 pm
by Yanita

Be careful what you willfully fail to disclose, it can come back to bite you latter on.


RE: Selling my house

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:48 pm
by Handweaving
Be careful what you willfully fail to disclose, it can come back to bite you latter on.


Boy, I sure don't appreciate the sound of that, Yanita.

You are assuming that there is something wrong that I'm not telling folks.
Well, you couldn't be more wrong!!
If you will re-read my post it states that there is Nothing serious on the list.
Not one thing.
Also, it was going to happen when they actually want my home not after they pay for it.
Please be careful when you respond and not take things out of context.
P.S. it's later, not latter. ; - )

RE: Selling my house

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:36 am
by Yanita

My response was correct and not assuming anything about your home.

How you read my post and process the info is on you not me. I was actually thinking of when I sold my first mobile. I totally forgot the dishwasher did not work, I don't use them. Well when closing came and it was discovered I was forced to replace the dishwasher.

Personally attacking me will get you nowhere, and at this time I consider this topic to be closed.

Scott Foresman Advanced Dictionary

late (lat),adj., lat er or lat ter, lat est or last

Have a great day! :D


Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:41 pm
by Greg
.... And with that I will lock it up. Greg