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Intertherm Ultraflex FEH-017HA Concerns!!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 6:24 pm
by Thump
The unit in my MH is an FEH-017HA. I recently replaced the thermostat, from the old spring to a programmable.
When it started getting colder i turned it up to 72 a few times without problems. One day I noticed it getting warm and checked the stat, it was on 75. I flipped the breaker off and on within 10 secs. but the blower came back on, left it off for 5 mins., flipped it back on and it stayed off. Tried it a few more times with the same results. Today turn it up to 72 and it cuts off fine. When I was writing the SN down I noticed a low humming coming from the housing and was wondering if you could help in diagnosing the problem with the cutoff and the humming.
I have read through the forums and think I've got an idea of what it may be, but need your input.

RE: Intertherm Ultraflex FEH-017HA Concerns!!

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 7:07 am
by Robert
Are you saying the blower continues to run longer than it should ?

From what I understand you are saying, could be sequencer and/or transformer, possibly both.


RE: Intertherm Ultraflex FEH-017HA Concerns!!

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:48 pm
by Thump
Thanks for ya time Rob, well the fan starts to cut off and does for 1 sec., then kicks on again, sometimes for 5 more secs. and sometimes for 2 to 5 mins.
Heres something new that just happened tonight, thermo. clicks, heat comes on, within 2 secs. I heard something fry for a couple of secs., then could smell plastic burning, turned it off at the breaker. Looking where the switches are I find that a mouse has ran across the two large fuses and grounded out, at the same time frying a switch, it was still glowing when I looked at it.
After I remove the culprit, I turned the heat back at the breaker. Heat comes on instantly (blower w/ heat). I didn't have any control at the thermo., the only way to cut it off was at the breaker. The switch was actually two on a small 2x3 inch piece of sheet metal. Gonna try to find it tom. I'll keep ya posted on the outcome.

RE: Intertherm Ultraflex FEH-017HA Concerns!!

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:06 am
by Robert
Most likely your sequencer.

Sequencer # 901075 found on right side of page here:

Click on pic for enlarged view.


RE: Intertherm Ultraflex FEH-017HA Concerns!!

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:58 pm
by Thump
Yea thats the one. Lucky I know how to read a wiring diagram, or I would have had to call someone too hook it back up. Thanks for time and help, I know where to come for help now

RE: Intertherm Ultraflex FEH-017HA Concerns!!

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:01 pm
by Robert
You're very welcome, happy to help.

Take care and best wishes,